Isn’t it feel weird to think about our earth? I mean, in the endless universe, out of billions of stars and planets only this blue planet sustain life. This thing is precious and it’s our duty to take care of it for us for our future generation, this is why we celebrate earth day every year. Along with this year, we will try to share a few interesting earth day activities with you to do on earth day this year. If you are ready to let’s dive into it.

Earth Day Activities 2020

Before you step outside your home or office to celebrate earth day 2019, we would recommend you to read these interesting earth day activities, it will make your day even more enjoyable.

Seed Jar


You can make this sweet seed jar and keep it in your home as a small contribution for earth day 2019. This is one of the most used earth day activities around the world. The only few things you need are a clean transparent jar, seed, and some soil. Give it a try this year.

Seed Bomb


Seed bomb is also one of the cutest fun activity to do on earth day. This earth day activity is very popular among school children. They love to make them. few things you need for it:

  • 3-4 Packages of Flower Seeds
  • 3 Sheets of Construction Paper of any color you wish
  • Food Processor
  • Scissors
  • Water
  • 3 Small Containers
  • Baking Sheet and Parchment Paper

After having these items, just search “How To Make Seed Bomb” and you are done. It might look small but it’s enough to keep our blue planet healthy.

BirdSeed Feeder


Cleaning streets and planting plants aren’t only things to do on earth day, you can do a lot of more than that on earth day like you can make some feeding place for birds, can feed some grass to other animals too, it’s not only the Earth, it is our mother and we all are her children including birds and animals. So, why don’t we do this earth day activity this year by making a birdseed feeder?

Cleaning Streets


Cleaning streets are one of the most popular and fun activity to do on earth day with friends or relatives. It really helps our environment to be fresh and healthy for humans and animals. There is not any rocket science on it, just wear safety gloves and start cleaning your streets.

Planting Trees


Just like street cleaning, planting plants is also a very fun and most important activity to do on earth day. Trees affect the environment most. We definitely should plant more and more trees nearby to keep our environment pollution free. If you are planning to do something good in order to thank our blue planet or to save it, you should definitely consider doing this activity first.

Final Words On Earth Day Activities 2020

Just putting my point, why do we need a specific day to celebrate earth day, why do we need a specific day to wipe out all the garbage from the streets? Why just can’t we clean it every day, we don’t even need to clean our street on earth day if we just follow some rules like not spitting on the street, not throwing garbage on roads and other things. We are so lucky to we are alive and living on this planet. We have to save it for us, for our upcoming future generation.

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