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Personal Pages Websites

Personal webpages of individual Scientologists including families and children, about their successes in Scientology, their personal and life experiences, about their interests in life, etc.- Category ID : 461063
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Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health

Personal Weblog focuses on the subject of Dianetics.
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Doug Fairchild

Whimsical website of an artist (and his dogs). Doug also shares how he has used Scientology to help people for thirty years.
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Jim & Tamra Meskimen

Husband and wife actors, active on the L.A. improv scene. Biographies and resumés, current projects, information on their improvisational theatre company and cartoon captioning contest.
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Ugi Moi

A very entertaining personal site of a Scientologist and successful artist from Italy.
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Welcome to My World

Web log about Scientology events and activities.
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My Scientology Blog

Grahame, a Scientologist for 20 years, shares his thoughts on the subject.
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Good News Blog

Betsy writes about her interests, beliefs and good news of all kinds, with an emphasis on Scientology information.
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Scientology in Clearwater

A personal weblog including news about Scientology activities in Clearwater.
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My Church of Scientology Blog

Information on Church events, personalities, news and activities.
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Do The Right Thing

A web log where a Scientologist presents his ideas including how he uses his religion in his daily life.
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Blog No Michi

A Scientologist comments on current events and his religion, and recommends various sites on various subjects.
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Scientology Lives

Valerie describes her life, comments about current events and provides insights into her experiences as a Scientologist.
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Aerospace Bob

A personal weblog of a Scientologist with a career in the aerospace industry.
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The Alf Blog

A personal weblog that offers many opinions about the world at large and recommends specific Scientology references to read.
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Engineering a New World

The personal web log of a Volunteer Minister and Scientologist computer professional that covers a range of topics.
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What Strikes My Fancy

A personal web log from a Scientologist covering a wide range of topics about church activities.
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Scientology Organizations Around the World

A Scientologist shares his personal experiences of all the different Scientology Church he has visited over the years. Includes some 3D maps and photographs.
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Alice Pero

Poet, artist and dancer, Alice tells of her purpose to awaken the creative spirit in all children and children of every age, and how Scientology has helped her.
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Humanitarians - People helping Others

A Scientologist shares her views about the humanitarian and community involvement activities of her church.
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Janna Trevisanut

Describes her interests, causes, career and what she has gotten from Scientology.
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PB & J

The Beckers tell how they met and married at the Church of Scientology.
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365 Days of Mackenzie

Proud father dotes on his baby girl and shares tips on how he and his wife use Scientology to raise a happy, healthy child.
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UpTone News

A personal weblog of a Scientologist that explores a personal range of interests and discusses various topics about Scientology.
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Random Religious News (Scientology and Else)

A personal weblog providing commentary on Scientology and other religious news events.
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