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Missions Websites

Local Scientology Missions from around the globe are listed in this category. A Scientology Mission is the entrance point in Scientology. Here, people become introduced to Dianetics and Scientology technology, they take their first services.- Category ID : 461058
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Mission of the Foothills

The official site of the Scientology Mission in the city of Montrose, California (U.S.A.) Includes location map, hours and description of services offered.
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Mission of Santa Monica

The official site of the Scientology Mission in Santa Monica, California (U.S.A.) Includes location map, hours and description of services offered.
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Mission of Buenaventura

The official site of the Scientology Mission in the city of Ventura, California (U.S.A.) Includes location map, hours and description of services offered.
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Mission of Elk Grove Blog

The web log of the Scientology Mission in Elk Grove, California (U.S.A.) Includes updated schedule of events, testimonials and brief descriptions of services.
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Mission of Milwaukee Blog

The web log of the Scientology Mission in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (U.S.A.) Includes updated schedule of events, location, hours and brief descriptions of services.
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Mission of Rochester Blog

The web log of the Scientology Mission in Rochester, New York (U.S.A.) Includes updated schedule of events, testimonials, descriptions of services and a Dianetics video.
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Mission of Sherman Oaks Blog

The web log of the Scientology Mission in Sherman Oaks, California (U.S.A.) Includes updated schedule of events, testimonials and brief descriptions of services.
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Mission of Sonoma

The official site of the Scientology Mission in Sonoma, California (U.S.A.) Includes location map, hours and description of services offered.
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Getting Started in Scientology Blog

This is a weblog about beginning services for those newly interested in Scientology philosophy. The weblog is sponsored by Mission of Palo Alto and Mission of SoMa.
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Palo Alto Scientology Center Blog

This is a weblog describing the services, calendar, pictures and contact information for the Palo Alto Mission
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SoMa Scientology Center Blog

This is a weblog about the SoMa (South of Market Street) Mission in San Francisco, California. It describes services, pictures, calendar, successes and contact information.
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Mission of Portland

The official site of the Scientology Mission in Portland, OR (U.S.A.) Includes location information, hours and description of services offered.
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Mission of Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Includes news and updates on the Baton Rouge Scientology Mission, service and material guide, and frequently asked questions.
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Mission of Wichita

The official site of the Church of Scientology Mission of Wichita in Wichita, Kansas (U.S.A.) Includes location information, hours and description of services offered.
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Mission of Boulder

The official site of the Scientology Mission in Boulder, Colorado (U.S.A.) Includes location map, hours and description of services offered.
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Scientology Missions International

Serves as the mother church for all Scientology missions around the world as well as the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program. Definition of a mission, description of services, and a mission locator.
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Mission of Los Feliz

The official site of the Los Feliz Mission in Los Angeles, California (U.S.A.) Includes updated schedule of current events, hours of operation and description of services offered.
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