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CUUPs Chapters Websites

CUUPs (Covenant of Universalist Unitarian Pagans) "is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs), educating people about Paganism, promoting interfaith dialogue, developing Pagan liturgies and theologies, and supporting Pagan-identified UU religious professionals." ~quoted from Category ID : 460774
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UU Fellowship of Santa Cruz County

A place to explore the world of Nature worship, magic, and community. Includes a newsletter, message board, contact list and a survey and sign up form for interested persons in Santa Cruz County, California.
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Orange Coast Unitarian Universalist Church

A welcoming community encompassing different cultural backgrounds, lifestyles, and religious perspectives in Orange County, California.
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Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Inc.

Promotes networking among Pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists, and provides for the outreach of Unitarian Universalism to the broader Pagan community. Provides an updated list of CUUPS chapters with locations and contact information.
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UU Congregation of Atlanta

Meeting and class schedule for the chapter of UU Church in Atlanta, Georgia.
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The Virtual Circle

Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Open circles, study groups, an email newsletter and labyrinth walking are available.
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General mailing list for members of this chapter.
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Halifax Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans

Details of the unofficial Halifax, Nova Scotia chapter of CUUPs including meeting notes and contacts.
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Circle of Crescent City Pagans

Offers weekly meetings and seasonal rituals in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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UU Pagans of Cherry Hill

A family oriented, primarily Wiccan and Pagan UU group, welcoming all faiths. Workshops and Full Moon rituals open to the public. Located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
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Circle of Gaia Dreaming

Outreach group attempting to link any pagan-based faith in and around Athens, OH. Offers information, events and links.
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Spiral Web CUUPS

This Yahoo discussion group is the homepage of a chapter that meets on the 4th Friday of every month in Poughkeepsie, NY. The group presents diversified rituals and is open to many beliefs.
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Tuscaloosa CUUPS

Tuscaloosa, Alabama group. Directions, calendar of events, activities and events, message group and Wiki page.
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Brazos Valley CUUPS Listserv

Mailing list group for a Brazos Valley, Texas chapter.
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Greater New Bedford Circle

Group affiliated with the First Unitarian Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Contact information and directions.
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Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists offers links, contact information and schedule of events.
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Frederick Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans

Affiliated with the Unitarian-Universalist Congregation of Frederick, Maryland. Profile, flyer, meeting times and related links.
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