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Institutes Websites

Links to social liberal institutes around the world.- Category ID : 450026
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Center for American Progress

A think tank offering policy proposals, talking points, events, news and columns. Weekly email newsletter Progress Report.
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Center for Law and Social Policy

CLASP is a non-profit organization with expertise in both law and policy affecting the poor. Through education, policy research and advocacy, CLASP seeks to improve the economic security of low-income families with children and secure access for low-income persons.
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Center for National Policy

CNP undertakes research and analysis to frame options and to formulate policy recommendations, focusing activities in economic analysis, equal opportunity, community studies and foreign policy.
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Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

A public policy advocacy organization specializing in federal budget issues from a low-income perspective.
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Institute for Policy Studies

An institute for progressive research and action to create a more responsible society built around the values of justice, nonviolence, sustainability, and decency.
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Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

A U.S. national, nonprofit institution that conducts research on public policy issues of special concern to African Americans.
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National Democratic Institute for International Affairs

Non-profit institute associated with the U.S. Democratic Party, working to strengthen and expand democracy worldwide.
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Urban Institute

An institute investigating and analysing U.S. social and economic problems and issues, including the New Federalism, welfare and welfare-to-work, Medicare, and disabilities issues.
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Worldwatch Institute

Analyzes interdisciplinary environmental data from around the world, providing information on how to build a sustainable society.
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Economic Policy Institute

A nonpartisan think tank that seeks to broaden the public debate about strategies to achieve a prosperous and fair economy.
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Century Foundation

A research foundation that undertakes timely and critical analyses of major economic, political, and social institutions and issues
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Center Of Concern

The Center of Concern analyses issues from an ethical perspective based on Catholic Social Teaching,and promotes the good of the entire global community and the integrity of every individual.
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Progressive Policy Institute

A public policy institute shaping the Third Way agenda with progressive legislative solutions.
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