The word "liberalism" is derived from the Latin liber, free. As the name indicates, liberalism is traditionally a political ideology emphasizing the personal liberty of each individual, including freedom of thought, conscience, religion, opinion, expression, assembly, association, movement, enterprise, occupation, contract, etc. which the state should not violate, except to protect the rights of others. Classical liberalism emerged first in the seventeenth century Europe, and was represented during the following centuries by such thinkers as John Locke, Voltaire, Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill. Beside personal liberty, classical liberalism also advocated economical liberty, the right of property, capitalism and free markets. In the beginning of the twentieth century, however, the meaning of the word "liberalism" became altered in North America. The "New Liberalism" demanded a much stronger role of state in protecting personal liberty and social justice, in expens- Category ID : 450021