Provides statistical reports on the status of U.S. children and their families, including population, family characteristics, economic security, health, environment, education. From the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics.
Evaluates, rates, and endorses video, film, software, and other media products designed for children using a volunteer, community-based jury comprising professionals, teachers, parents, and children. Reviews, articles, and newsletter.
A research center located at the University of Chicago that informs policymakers, service providers, and administrators on issues affecting the well being of children. Projects, publications, and newsletter.
Free and ongoing support groups throughout Massachusetts for parents, or other adults in a parenting role, who feel isolated, overwhelmed, or afraid of their anger towards their children. Parent stories, group locations, and volunteer and donation opportunities.
Works to improve the quality and standards of individual and family life through programs that educate, influence public policy, disseminate information and publish research findings.
A respite and retreat program that serves families facing serious illness or crisis by helping them to enhance coping skills, reduce stress and cultivate relationships. Press releases, newsletter, information on retreat weekends, and volunteer opportunities.
Invests in and incubates revenue-generating social enterprises that employ at-risk youth and other populations outside the economic mainstream in Canada.
An effort by the state of Missouri to work with citizens, businesses, and civic and labor leaders to improve the lives of children and families in Kansas City and Jackson County. Initiatives, news, and data.
Affiliated with the University of Missouri at Columbia, the site provides information on health, nutrition, finances, housing, divorce, parenting, and childcare. Articles, quick answers, workshops, and newsletter.
A unique, non-profit organization in Cincinnati, Ohio that helps parents and their children share creative, bonding experiences using art as the medium. Classes, community programs, and volunteer opportunities.
A non-profit organization that supports innovative programs that assist at-risk children and their families. Child abuse prevention initiatives, fatherhood programs, Circle of Parents support group, and Healthy Families Florida program.
A consulting and training organization providing resources and technical assistance to national, state and county child welfare professionals and agencies primarily in the area of child protective services.
Located at Eastern Michigan University, the Institute applies scholarly research and practical expertise to issues such as foster care and child welfare.
Helps state, county and tribal child welfare agencies improve management, measure outcomes, and make decisions that protect children. Toll-free number, publications, and programs.
A UNICEF database that contains evaluations, studies and surveys related to UNICEF programs. Reports can be sorted by country, by region, by theme or by date.
Features programs and practices that credible research indicates are effective in improving outcomes in the areas of child health, child safety, schooling, and family well-being. Sections on proven and promising programs, research in brief, and strengthening service delivery.
A project of Teachers College, Columbia University that engages children in a creative process leading to literacy reinforcement, social awareness, and character development. Student galleries, publications, and news.
Lists and tracks information on 30 health topics for children in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties in Northern California, and shows comparable California and U.S. data where available.
Strives to help states and localities implement strategies that strengthen disadvantaged communities and ensure that children grow up healthy, safe, successful in school, and ready for productive adulthood.
Produced by Duke University researchers, the Child Well-Being Index is an evidence-based measure of trends over time in the quality of life or well-being of America’s children and young people. Description of index, data, and press information.
Sponsored by the Heritage Foundation, this site presents findings on the family, society and religion from peer-reviewed journals, books and government surveys.
A focal point for policy development, research, and strategic analysis of trends regarding broad determinants of health regarding children and youth in Canada.
Department of Defense web site providing information on military children and youth issues, programs, initiatives, and military and civilian partnerships.
Superu is a government agency that is an advocate for New Zealand families. It funds research, seeks the views of the community, and works to influence government family policy.
Seeks to help organizations and individuals in the allied youth fields by providing research, publications, and issue discussions. Resources, news, and the periodic publication Forum Focus.
Collaborates with advocates and policymakers in a movement to provide high-quality, voluntary pre-kindergarten education for all three and four year olds.