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Laboratories Websites

- Category ID : 425738
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Alfvén Laboratory

Researching electromagnetic theory and applications, including fusion, space and basic plasma physics experiments. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

United States Department of Energy facility devoted to plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion research.
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Electric Propulsion and Plasma Dynamics Laboratory

Research in electric propulsion, plasma thrusters and fundamental problems in plasma physics. Princeton University.
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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy.
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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

National security laboratory aiming to ensure the safety, security, and reliability of the U.S. nuclear deterrent, reduce threats to national and global security, enhance energy and environmental security and strengthen the nation’s economic competitiveness.
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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Plasma Dynamics Laboratory

Facility devoted to research in plasma engineering and electromagnetics. Troy, New York.
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University of Texas at Dallas Plasma Applications Laboratory

Research of plasmas used in semiconductor processing. University of Texas at Dallas, USA.
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Los Alamos National Laboratory - MFE Experiments

Magnetic fusion experimental team in the P-24 Plasma Physics Group at Los Alamos. Details of collaborations with experiments at other facilities.
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Intense Energy Beam Laboratory, University of Michigan

Investigates the fundamental physics and technology of interactions between beams of electrons, ions, plasma, microwaves, laser light and radio frequency radiation with plasmas, materials, structures, and biological cells.
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Auburn University Plasma Physics

Plasma physics home page at Auburn University with links to Space Plasma Laboratory, Fusion Research laboratory, and Plasma Sciences Laboratory.
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MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center

One of the leading university research laboratories in the physics and engineering aspects of magnetic confinement fusion and home of the Alcator C-Mod tokamak, Levitated Dipole Experiment and other plasma and fusion related research projects.
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Electron Beam Ion Trap Facility at NIST

The electron beam ion trap (EBIT) facility at NIST uses a tightly focused and energy-tunable electron beam to create, trap, and probe highly charged ions.
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Complex Plasma Laboratory

Research on complex plasma (dusty plasma, colloidal plasma, plasma crystal) at the University of Sydney.
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National Centre for Plasma Research Laboratory

Multidisciplinary centre undertaking fundamental and applied plasma-related research for the benefit of both industry and society. Provides details of projects and information on news and events.
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Large Plasma Device (LAPD) Laboratory

UCLA facility conducting basic plasma physics research on the behavior of naturally occurring plasmas, such as the auroral ionosphere, the magnetosphere, the solar wind, the solar corona, and the interstellar medium.
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Culham Science Center

Focused on research towards the realization of fusion power. The Center is associated with the EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association and located in Oxfordshire, UK.
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Plasma Physics and Acoustics Laboratory

Laboratory in the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics, National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Armenia, investigates acoustic wave influence on the plasma.
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