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Research Websites

- Category ID : 425735
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Space Physics Research Group

Research group at the University of California at Berkeley, US.
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The M.I.T. Space Plasma Group

Research plasma group at MIT, Cambridge, MA, US.
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Plasma and Beam Physics Group

Plasma and beam research group at the University of Colorado at Boulder, US.
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General Atomics Fusion Group

Fusion research group at General Atomics, San Diego, CA, US.
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Atomic and Plasma Physics Research Group

A research group at IAP/TU Wien, Austria.
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Nonneutral Plasma Group

Plasma research group at Physics Department of the University of California, San Diego.
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Plasma Diagnostics Group

Plasma research group at UC Davis, USA.
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ITP: Plasma Physics Division

Website of the Plasma Physics Group of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Graz University of Technology, Austria.
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Plasma Engineering Group. IMAST Laboratory

Plasma research group at the Sydney University, Australia.
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Fusion Advanced Research Group, Ltd

FARG is a fusion advanced research group at Moscow University, Russia. Outsourcing. Venture projects.
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Dusty Plasma Experiments

Wave experiments and corresponding MPEG movies taken directly from the video cameras. Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa.
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Toroidal Plasma Experiments

Plasma formation and heating using radio-frequency waves, confinement and transport studies, magnetic structure studies, turbulent transport and fluctuations. Plasma Research Lab, Australian National University.
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Dartmouth University Space Plasma Theory

Physics of the inner magnetosphere
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Plasma Simulations Group at UCLA

Global magnetosphere simulations.
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Space and Plasma Physics at Univ Maryland

SPP Group conducts research in many areas of space and plasma physics
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Space Plasma Group, University of London

Simulations of space plasmas and experimental spacecraft data analysis.
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U. Iowa Space Plasma Wave Research

Site of the University of Iowa research group describes various undertaken space plasma wave projects including those involving Earth-orbiting and planetary spacecraft.
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Basic Plasma Science Facility (BPSF)

At UCLA, BPSF is a place to perform frontier-level experiments that require physical conditions not suitable for small devices. The facility provides an environment in which teams with complementary expertise (e.g., Laser Induced Fluorescence or High Power RF) can come together to attack problems that they would not pursue individually.

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