CHI organizes RNAi-related conferences throughout the US and Europe, including therapeutics, pharmaceutics, drug development, target discovery, and biodefense. Provides biotechnology news and conferences information.
Online RNA Interference (RNAi) resource. Provide scientific and technical support, information on microRNA and small interfering RNA application in gene expression research.
Publishes peer-reviewed articles addressing the biology and application of RNA interference and gene silencing. Includes information about journal aims and scope, publication policies, and manuscript submission. Provides online access to journal articles.
Review of transfection techniques such as electroporation, denrimers and lipids that are used for transfection of DNA, RNA, and siRNA. Includes information on optimized cell type specific transfection systems.
Online review of RNA Interference biological phenomena. Includes citations of recent research publications, RNAi animations, and science news articles.
Online resource for researchers looking for experimentally validated siRNAs and shRNAs against target genes, with a focus on genes thought to be involved in cancer.
Provides tools for researchers interested in studying gene expression of these organisms. Includes keyword search of genes and homologs, and a literature scan.
Annual RNAi meeting hosted by Cambridge Healthcare Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. Online meeting information is available: plenary sessions, exhibits, and poster presentations.
Collection of published miRNAs from the microRNA registry and predict putative miRNA precursors based on genome-wide mapping of conserved RNA secondary structures.
Yearly conference organized by New York Academy of Sciences. Includes information about conference registration, preliminary program, and abstract submission.
Online resource for scientists, researchers, technologists, and executives engaged in RNA Interference, functional genomics, and drug discovery. Offers industry news, product reviews, and meetings information.
Online software provided by the Whitehead Institute for prediction of microRNA targets. Provides research data and online software for microRNA target identification and analysis.
Review article from PLoS Biology journal. Describes mechanism of RNA Interference, potential applications towards therapeutics, and current problems associated with delivery.
NOVA scienceNOW TV program describes RNAi as a major breakthrough in gene therapy with enormous medical promise. Provides basic overview of RNAi technology, current therapeutic approaches, and interview with the experts in the field. Includes 15-minutes TV broadcast segment on RNAi.
A NOVA ScienceNOW science program by PBS feature the possible applications for RNAi therapy. Provides animations of key biological processes and mechanism of RNA Interference.
Society host conferences on academia and industry-based research and development of oligonucleotide therapeutics: RNAi, antisense, and others. Provides society overview, publication materials, meetings, and contact information.