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Beginners Websites

Web sites for individuals who are new to astronomy, usually providing "how to" watch stars or what equipment is needed, or what to look for in the skies at night.- Category ID : 416740
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Discussion of two types for beginners, the reflector and the refractor.
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Observational Astronomy

Offers information on learning about astronomical objects and then viewing the objects through use of the eye or with various optics.
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Astronomy - An Introduction to Sky Watching

Booklet by Astronomical Society of South Australia that discusses activities, types of objects to observe, how to get started, and advanced activities.
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Astronomy and Astrophotography for the Non-Gazillionaire

Designed for the amateur and beginner on a budget consisting of articles, gallery, and mission statement.
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Astronomy for Beginners

Information on basics, equipment, what to see, astrophotography, and links.
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A calendar of events of upcoming aurora, meteor showers, eclipses, and planets.
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Star Gazer

Dedicated to the stars and galaxies with resources and links.
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Northern Virginia Astronomy Club - Resources

Guides for getting started in astronomy.
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The Beginner

Learning the basics of astronomy, observing, and equipment.
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For the Beginner

Tips for getting started in astronomy.
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Ask the Astronomer

Archived questions about astronomy and space science especially for the beginner.
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The Astronomy Nexus

Information created or compiled that can be viewed in one place, and includes general information, 3D universe, encyclopedia of suns, gadget FAQ, virtual Messier, s.a.a. FAQ, and urban Herschel 400.
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Beginning Astronomy

Information on getting started, binoculars,first telescope, and expanding horizons.
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The Astrogirl Homepage

Information on the sky, clubs, reading, astronomy basics, tips, software, astrophotography, and links.
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Sights Above

Gallery, equipment, audio-video, log, accessories, telescope 101, and links.
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So You Wanna Buy a Telescope

Discusses telescopes, types, buying, and accessories.
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Sky & Telescope: How to Start Right in Astronomy

Article discussing ways to getting started and learning astronomy.
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Small Telescope Astronomy

Tutorials on telescope designs, some basic astronomy theory, and amateur astronomy projects for the beginner or owner of modest equipment.
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