This category lists sites specifically for the non-professional areas of astronomy. Amateurs are also known as "backyard astronomers."- Category ID : 416733
Questions answered by graduate students, including a question and answer archive, information on the solar system, the universe, SETI, observational astronomy, careers and history.
Getting started, CG-5 mount, SAA 100 list, constellation portraits, barn door tracker, comet Hale Bopp, homemade eyepieces, EQ mount tutorial, millennium rant, and biography, home.
An online astronomy journal by Math Heijen, backyard astronomer from the Netherlands. Observing logs from Sun, Moon and Deepsky, digital lunar and solar images, equipment reviews, links, books etc. Articles about the Sun, Moon and Deepsky.
Visual and CCD photomety, including classic and digital astrophotography. Presents equipment and resources. Located near Plomin in eastern Istria, Croatia.