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Associations Websites

- Category ID : 320574
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Ohio FFA Association

A national organization dedicated to preparing members for leadership and careers in the science, business and technology of agriculture.
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Ohio High School Athletic Association

Voluntary, non-profit association overseeing sports competition among Ohio public and private secondary schools. List of member schools, contacts, tournaments, news.
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Buckeye Association of School Administrators

Online registration for seminars, membership. Job bulletin, legislative updates, association news, books, and videos.
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Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio

Representing 49 Ohio private colleges. Site features e-counselor, matching prospective students with member colleges through interactive questions about interests, goals, type of school desired.
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Ohio School Psychologists Association

Advocates for the educational and mental health needs of children, adults and families. Provides membership details, practitioner news, activity calendar, and board details.
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Ohio Association for Developmental Education

Addresses post-secondary learning assistance. Conference news, listserv, grants.
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Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators

Upcoming conferences, workshops, job openings. Also information for honor society and cheerleading advisors.
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Ohio Retired Teachers Association

Provides news, calendar, and officials.
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Ohio Association of School Business Officials

School business administration training, legislative updates, newsletter, and online job search.
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Ohio Association for Gifted Children

Supports the development of gifted students through dissemination of information, advocacy on their behalf, and promotes research in the area of the gifted child.
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Ohio Association of Independent Schools

State branch of the National Association of Independent Schools.
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Ohio Association for College Admission Counseling

Organization serving high school guidance counselors, college admission representatives, and any other person or groups interacting with students regarding post-secondary education.
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Ohio Head Start Association

Dedicated to providing advocacy, training and support for Head Start programs in the state of Ohio. Includes staff directory, event calendar, mission and value statements.
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Ohio Association For Student Financial Aid Administrators

A nonprofit organization that offers resources to students, families and high school advisors to promote higher education and increase awareness of financial aid opportunities.
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Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities

Ensures that every Ohio child with special needs receives a free, appropriate, public education in the least restrictive environment.
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Ohio Council International Reading Association

Supports and promotes literacy to help all Ohioans reach their full potential and develop a life-long love of reading.
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Ohio Education Association

Professional and legislative news, monthly Ohio schools magazine online, discussion area, job links, curriculum resources.
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Ohio Music Teachers Association

Professional music teachers. Event calendar, student competitions, directory.
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Ohio Middle Level Association

Purpose is to promote the middle school concept and provide a place to share information. Provides event calendar, bulletin board, and resource catalogs.
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Ohio School Boards Association

Includes mail list, executive search page, list of board member mentors, news, events, vendors.
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Ohio Association of Community Colleges

An organization of independent public community and technical colleges, promoting the continued quality, strength, and effectiveness of its members.
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