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Education Websites

- Category ID : 320573
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Ohio Collaborative Learning Solutions

Vendor offering curriculum materials, tests, videos, software, and web services to schools and districts around the state.
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Online resources for teachers, students, school librarians, library automation, media booking, and statewide union catalog of K-12 school libraries.
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Ohio Appalachian Center for Higher Education

A consortium of ten public colleges and universities within the 29-county Appalachian region, whose goal is to increase the level of educational attainment of residents in the region.
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State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio

News, benefit information, fund performance.
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School Employees Retirement System of Ohio

Event calendar, background, how to contact. Features include a benefit estimate calculator.
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Ohio Destination Imagination

A creative problem solving, education, educational program for students and kids, offering challenges that stress teamwork, spontaneous problem solving and learning in a group setting.
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Ohio Literacy Resource Center

Works with other organizations to address the literacy needs of adults. Source for adult literacy links, materials, publications.
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Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE)

A not-for-profit consortium organized to promote service and interinstitutional cooperation and to foster collaboration.
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Power of the Pen

Writing program for 7th and 8th grade students. Competition results. Winning entries available.
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Ohio Council for Exceptional Children

Organization for special education in Ohio.
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Ohio Alliance for Arts Education

Establishes and maintains a network for communication, cooperation, and advocacy.
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Ohio School Ranking

Provides public school rankings that are based on data from the local report card (LRC). Subscription required for detailed listings.
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Virtual Community School of Ohio

Provides online education to Ohio students at no cost to the student. for grades K-12. At home schooling with state certified teachers and flexible curriculum.
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Ohio Association for the Education of Young Children

Teachers, administrators, parents, policymakers, and others committed to bringing high-quality early education and care to all young children.
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Ohio Federation of Teachers

State member organization of the American Federation of Teachers.
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Ohio Child Welfare Training Program

Provides training for staff in public child welfare agencies throughout Ohio.
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Ohio Business College

Provides technical and clerical training programs for people seeking a career in the medical or dental professions. schools are located in Columbus and Elyria
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Provides funding and leadership for national initiatives aimed at ensuring all students an education that prepares them for success.
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The Ohio Education Gadfly

News and analysis on education matters in the state, by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.
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Ohio Department of Education

Includes database by school of proficiency test results, expenditures, teachers, students, school report card, related links, department news.
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Ohio Computer Education Network

Provides administrative and instructional information technology services to Ohio school districts.
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Ohio Board of Regents

Oversees colleges and universities in Ohio. Source for enrollment data, program information such as Tech-Prep, Ohio School-to-Work, list of associate degree programs.

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