This category is for state-wide guides and directories, associations, agencies, support groups, rehabilitation providers, and related services for people with disabilities in New Hampshire.- Category ID : 296697
Works to improve the quality of life for survivors of brain injury and their families. Resource directory, newsletter, event listings, support groups, stroke information links, and volunteer opportunities.
Works with other agencies to provide accessible sports and recreational activities and programs. Also offers consulting services to companies, schools, and individuals. Specialized sports equipment available for rent. Affiliated with UNH.
Provides comprehensive clinical, rehabilitation, and educational services for children and adults with disabilities. Lists programs, facilities, employment and volunteer opportunities, and organization history. Main campus located in Greenfield, with satellite locations in Derry, Manchester, and Portsmouth.
Non-profit organization offers information, advocacy, and direct services for people with disabilities. Lists programs, news, events, staff directory, and related links.
The IOD was established to provide a University-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policy, and practices relating to persons with disabilities in NH. Mission statement, current projects, program areas, publications for sale, seminar and conference schedules, and related links.
Provides information and resources for families of special needs children. Includes lending library bibliography, support group directory, membership form, and related links.
Provides information, support, and programs on the special education process for parents, families, and educators. Lists services, newsletter, reference articles, workshop calendar, membership information, staff directory, and related links.
Non-profit organization serves people with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries. Services include day programs, respite care, and consultations.
Offers employment and support services to individuals living in Sullivan and lower Grafton counties. Provides description of services, employment opportunities, and contact information.
Promotes early care and education programs for children with special needs. Provides description of services; training programs; calendar of meetings; and links to contacts, resources, and child care providers.
Provides rehabilitation services to children and adults with disabilities, injuries, and other special needs. Programs, events, volunteer and job opportunities, office locations, and legislation updates.
Providing an alternative to institutionalized and campus living for persons with an acquired brain injury. Description of programs and contact information.