This category is for: -- trade and professional associations and organizations that are involved in business promotion, advocacy, economic development, or professional development of their members, -- organizations that are concerned with state business and economic activities in general, and -- for state chapters of national groups similar to the above.- Category ID : 294559
Brings together representatives from the private and public sectors to establish and maintain programs that encourage innovative research and technology-based industrial development in New Hampshire. Includes a business directory, upcoming events, and program information.
Promotes growth and appreciation for traditional fine furniture making in NH. Includes member directory, annual auction catalog, and education programs.
For certified public accountants employed in public practice, industry, government, and education. Member directory, industry news, job listings, and CPE seminar information.
Supports the business and professional interests of member firms, and promotes the practice of consulting engineering in the state. Mission statement, membership information, officer directory, meeting minutes, and member list.
Supports the machinist trade in NH through educational courses, scholarships, and apprenticeship programs. Board of directors, newsletter, member directory, membership information, and current job openings.
Promotes the ethical and competent practice of engineering and carries out the program of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) at the state level. Mission statement, membership information, event listings, meeting minutes, board of directors, newsletter, and scholarship program information.
Trade organization that promotes the professional, ethical and educational standards of the auction business in the state. Member directory, auction calendar, board of directors, and code of ethics.
Represents the interests of the food distribution industry in the state. Membership information, news, legislative updates, event listings, and board of directors.
Promotes the profession of surveying, mapping, land information systems and related fields. Provides event calendar, membership information, member list, and contact details.