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Haydn, Franz Joseph Websites

Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) is popularly known as the "Father of the Symphony". Much of his life was spent in the service of the Esterházy princes; his many instrumental and sacred works are considered the foundation of the Viennese school of composition.- Category ID : 24512
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The Haydn Forum

Discussion group focusing on the life, music, recordings, and scholarship of Franz-Josef Haydn.
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Classical Music Archives: Haydn

Over 370 complete works offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists. Two biographies, including that from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Timelines, search engine.
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Kunst der Fuge: Joseph Haydn

Includes MIDI files of 17 symphonies and several chamber works.
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Classic Cat: Haydn

Directory of mp3s on the internet that have been made available by the performing artists.
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Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Reviews, links, recent and recommended recordings, and books from
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Yahoo discussion group dedicated to discussion of the man and anything relating to his music. Partially moderated with open membership.
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Joseph Haydn

Wikipedia article with detailed life, character study, musical analysis and evolution of his style, books and articles, works list, illustrations, links, and internal references to related people and topics.
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F. J. Haydn Scores

Listing of individual works with preview images and various visual and audio downloads in MIDI, PS, PDF, LY, and PNG formats from Mutopia.
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Joseph Haydn

Find A Grave listing with musical biography, portrait, pictures of tomb in the Bergkirche in Eisenstadt, Austria, and interactive memorial.
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Joseph Haydn

Filmography showing the use of his works in cinema and television with biographical information and trivia from the Internet Movie Database.
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Papa Haydn: Father of the Symphony

Brief biography, key works, bibliography, recommended reading and recordings, quotes, timeline, and further resources from Humanities Web.
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Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809)

Overview of the composer, with biography, influences, and major works.
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Franz Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809)

Biographical sketch, caricature, summaries of church, oratorio, stage, vocal, orchestral, concerto, and keyboard compositions, and Naxos discography.
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Franz Josef Haydn

Birth and death dates, portrait, and hymn tunes with MIDI audio and NWC format scores from the Cyber Hymnal.
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