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Gershwin, George Websites

Born in New York to Russian-Jewish parents, George Gershwin (1898 - 1937) did much in his short life to bridge the gap between American popular music and serious classical compositions. Among his most known works are the opera Porgy and Bess and the orchestral pieces Rhapsody in Blue and An American in Paris.- Category ID : 24446
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George and Ira Gershwin

Official site. Celebrating and archiving the lives of the brothers with history, timeline, references, anthology of selected films and shows, sound clips by noted artists, jukebox, and events. [Requires Flash.]
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Song Trellis

Chord sequences of many famous tunes in MIDI and printable GIF format available for study, practice and improvisation.
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Find a Grave

Biographical sketch, photographs, pictures of mausoleum, cemetery information, and virtual memorial.
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Classic Cat: George Gershwin

Biographical material, links, and directory of MP3 audio files.
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Humanities Web

Brief biography, selected works, photograph, quotations, discography, suggested reading, additional resources, chronology, and related articles.
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Wikipedia: George Gershwin

Article with biography, music style, classical credits, musical theater credits, musical films, internal references, external links, and photographs.
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Music Scores

Some sheet music downloads and audio playback.
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Encyclopedia: George Gershwin

Includes an article that includes a sketch about his brother Ira and a bibliography.
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Classical Archives: George Gershwin

Biography and complete files offered in MIDI format.
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The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)

Filmography noting movies using or based on his works, awards, biography and trivia.
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Biography of the composer with summary list of concert works, photograph, and links.
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Classical Net

Biography, articles on American in Paris, I Got Rhythm, Porgy and Bess, Rhapsody in Blue and a select discography.
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Naxos: George Gershwin

Brief biographical sketch, caricature, summaries of stage, orchestral, and piano works, and discography.
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