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J Websites

- Category ID : 24279
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Jackson, Hanley

(1939- ) Picture, biography, and works.
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Janow, Steven

(1973- ), Rhinebeck, New York. Includes biography, list of works, and resume.
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Jarvinen, Arthur

(1956- ) Biography, words about the music, list of works, and discography, from Leisure Planet Music.
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Job, Lynn

Composer, author, publisher, and scholar. Includes audio and visual samples and news.
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Järvlepp, Jan

(1953- ), Ottawa, Canada. Biography, news, photographs, works, and sound samples.
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Jaffe, David A.

(1955- ), New Jersey. Picture, biography, works, discography, sound samples, and writings.
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Johnson, Evan

(1980- ) Pictures, biography, compositions, and sound files, from Kalvos and Damian.
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Jackson, Nicholas

Biography, works, scores, sound files, and CDs.
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Jex, David

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Joseph, Dan

Picture, biography, concerts, recordings, and list of works.
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Jang, Jon

Biography and sound file, from Other Minds.
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Joy, Jérôme

(1961- ), Nantes, France. Picture, biography, and discussion of his compositional philosophy.
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Jakoulov, Jakov

(1958- ), Moskow. Picture, biogra;hy, and list of works, from Artona.
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Josephs, Wilfred

(1927-1997), England. Picture and biography. from Musicweb (UK).
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Joubert, John

(1927- ), Cape Town, South Africa. Picture, biography, and selected works, from Musicweb (UK).
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Julià, Roger

Los Angeles-based Catalan composer and pianist. Biography, credits, audio samples, photographs and information about his band.
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Joseph, Tommy

(1960- ), Cyprus. Biography and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
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Jones, Trevor

(1932- ), Sydney, Australia. Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
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Jurth, Attila F.

(1945- ), Budapest, Hungary. Biography and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
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Joseph, David

(1954- ), Melbourne, Australia. Picture, biography, and list of works and recoordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
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Jones, Anthony Linden

(1959- ), Australia. Picture, biography, and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
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Janson, Alfred

(1937- ), Oslo, Norway. Picture, biography, list of works, and recordings, from Andre Chaudron.
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Jalbert, Pierre

Picture, biography, commissions and performances, composition awards, list of compositions, and events.
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Johnson, Scott

(1952- ), Madison, Wisconsin. Biography from the Musicalics.
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Jones, David

Picture, biography, and CDs.
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Johnston, Fergus

(1959- ), Dublin Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works, from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland.
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