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- Category ID : 24272
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Easterbrook, Giles

(1949- ), Berlin, Germany. Biography from Chameleon Group of Composers.
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Easton, Matt

(1955- ) Biography and works from Leisure Planet Music.
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Eato, Jonathan

Biography and sound file from the British Composers World Wide Web Project.
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Eichberg, Søren Nils

(1973- ), Stuttgart, Germany. Biography, picture, and press reviews.
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Eigenfeldt, Arne

(1962-- ), St. Boniface, Manitoba. Biography, Picture, sound files, and list of works.
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Einhorn, Richard

(1952- ) Includes a brief biography, an interview, images from several productions, discography, sound files (in MP3 format), and information about major compositions.
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Eister, Garry

(1952- ), Grand Rapids, Michigan. Biography, list of works, photographs, recordings, and upcoming performances.
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Essl, Karlheinz

(1960- ), Vienna, Austria. Includes scores, electronic music, net music, sound installations, algorithmic compositions, music software, performances, and writings.
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Ewers, Tim

(1958- ), Welwyn Garden City, United Kingdom. Includes catalogue of works, streaming audio examples, a biography, reviews and links to related sites
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Ernst, David

New York-based composer and arranger in a variety of styles including jazz, rock and techno. Song samples and brief biography.
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Edgerton, Michael

Picture and biography, from Kalvos and Damian.
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Edwards, Ross

Picture, bi9graphy, catalog, and resources.
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Einaudi, Ludovico

Italian pianist and composer for films and theatre: biography, discography, works, news and events.
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Colin Eatock

Information on his compositions and writings.
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Englishby , Paul

(1970- ), England. Composer for film, theatre and TV. Biography, Credits, and sound files.
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Erber, James

(1954- ), London, England. Biography.
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Erez, Itamar

(1965- ), Israeli born composer, pianist and guitarist. Biography, works, audio and video files.
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Ernste, Kevin

(1973- ), Fairfax, Virginia. Biography, works, and curriculum vitae.
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Emfietzis, Gregory

London based composer, working also as a performer, administrator, teacher and magazine editor. Picture, biography, and works.
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Ellis, George

Short biography,and list of works and recordings, from the Australian Music Centre.
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Easton, James M.

(1944- ), Sydney, Australia. Picture and biography from the Australian Music Centre.
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Easton, Michael

(1954- ), Hertfordshire, England. Picture and biography from the Australian Music Centre.
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Eagles, Moneta

(1924-), Concord, New South Wales. Works for organ.
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Evans, Francois

(1965- ), London, England. Biography and works from the Musicalics.
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Exley, Judith

(1939- ), Rawere, New Zealand. Picture, short biography, and selected works from Sounz, New Zealand.
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Emura, Tetsuji

(1960- ), Nishinomiya, Japan. Biography, picture, and works.
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