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- Category ID : 24270
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Colombo Taccani, Giorgio

(1961- ), Milan, Italy. Picture, biography, discussion of his style, works, and examples from scores.
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Chur, Heinz

(1948- ), Essen, Germany. Picture, short biography, works, sound files, CDs, and contact information.
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Curran, Alvin

(1938- ), Providence, Rhode Island. Picture, biography, works, discography, and publications and writings.
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Campagnoli, Mauro

(1975- ) Ethnomusicologist and composer. Includes works and biography, and information about his fieldworks in equatorial Africa among Baka Pygmies.
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Carlson, James R.

(1970- ), Everett, Washington. Biography, works, reviews, and sample scores.
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Carbon, John

(1951- ), Chicago, Illinois. Picture, biography, CDs, sheet music, concerts, links, and e-mail.
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Carl, Robert

(1954- ) Includes discography, picture, contact information, works list, and biography.
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Carlos DeFeo, Antonio

(1973- ) Film and theatre composer from New York. Picture, biography, reviews, contact information, and links.
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Charke, Derek

(1974- ), New Brunswick, Canada. Contains score samples, picture, audio files, and biography.
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Carlton, Richard

Biography, press, news, and discography.
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Chambers, Evan

(1963- ), Alexandria, Louisiana. Picture, works, news, performances, and biography.
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Chambers, Wendy Mae

Music includes a car horn organ, and toy piano. Audio files and biography.
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Chant, Michael

(1945- ), Wakefield, Yorkshire, England. Picture, sound file, and biography from the British Composers World Wide Web Project.
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Chenevert, James

Picture and biography from the Wisconsin Alliance for Composers.
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Chuang, Se-Lien

(1965- ),Taiwan. Picture, curriculum vitae, activities, works, awards, and sound files.
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Churches, Richard

(1966- ), Caerleon, Wales. Picture, biography, sound files, and selected works from the British Composers World Wide Web Project.
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Clark, Steven

Includes resume and sound files.
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Coexisting A&A

Composer from the Netherlands. List of works with some sound files.
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Coleman, Randolph

Picture and biography.
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Coleridge, Robert

(1955-), Devon, England. Audio file, picture, biography, and selected works from the British Composers World Wide Web Project.
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Cooman, Carson P.

American composer who has composed a variety of works in many forms ranging from solo instrumental to opera. Biography, works, recordings, and audio files.
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Comitas, Alexander

(Pseudonym for Eduard de Boer, 1957- ) Score samples, biography, contact information, catalog, sound files, and opinions.
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Corbin, Keith

Includes recordings of his music, scores and contact information.
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Corner, Philip

Available scores from the Frog Peak site.
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Crego, Cliff

(1950- ) The Circle in the Square - A new music, poetry and dance performance project. Includes full scores, featured works, downloads, essays and links to recordings.
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Cresswell, Duncan

New British music. Electro-acoustic, songs, classical, contemporary. News, contact details, and audio samples.
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Crockett, Donald

(1951- ), Pasadena, California. Picture, biography, works, and recordings. Reviews are interspersed among the pages.
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Cunningham, Michael G.

Catalog of works from the Wisconsin Alliance for Composers.
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Cutler, Joe

(1968- ), Neasden, North-West London, England. Picture, biography, and selected works from the British Composers World Wide Web Project.
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Czink, Andrew

Picture and biography from the Earsay site.
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Carrick, Richard

(1971- ), Paris, France. Picture, biography, and sound files.
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Ceely, Robert

(1930- ), Torrington, Connecticut. Picture, biography, compositions, and sound files.
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Cleary, David

(1954- ) Picture, biography, compositions, and reviews.
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Campbell, William

(1961- ), Belfast, Ireland. Biography from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland.
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Cole, Gardner

Official page. Biography with works and discography for over 125 songs, list of collaborators, and movies scored.
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Celli, Joseph

Picture, resume, compositions, recordings, and bibliography, from Kalvos and Damian.
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Chatham, Rhys

(1952- ), New York City. Picture, biography, commissions, discography, and sound files, from Kalvos and Damian.
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Collins, Nicolas

(1954- ), New York City. Biography, discography, compositions, and sound files, from Kalvos and Damian.
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Centazzo, Andrea

Official site of the Italian composer and musician. Includes biography, photo gallery, discography, works, bibliography, videos, soundtracks, projects, listening room, calendar, and contact information.
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Cooke, Richard

Graphical and interactive music. Includes Control panel, juke box, and interactive pieces.
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Carney, James

Biography, sound files, and press.
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Cooke, Richard

An anthology of new music and scores by Richard Cooke, including MIDI sequences, interactive pieces and theoretical writings
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Carter , Andrew

(1939- ), England. Picture, biography, discography, and program notes.
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Cochrane, Anthony

Samples of Anthony Cochranes work as a composer for theatre and film.
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Cronin, Stephen

(1960- ), Brisbane, Australia. Picture, biography,and list of works and recordings.
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Creshevsky, Noah

(1945- ) Picture, biography, and selected works with sound files, from Vox Novus.
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Canat de Chizy, Edith

(1950- ), Lyon. France. Picture, biography, catalog of works, discography, reviews, and news.
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Cognolato, Sebastian

(1969- ), Milan, Italy. Biography, catalogue, projects, events, links, and some MP3.
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Ciampa, Leonardo

Biography, sheet music, and links.
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Colmeiro , Rosalia

(1957- ). Biography and works.
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Cassidy, Patrick

Biography, discography, photographs.
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Claxton, Andrew

News, and other things if you can find them.
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Chesne, Steve

Musical biography.
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Calì, Francesco

(1966- ), Catania, Sicily. Biography, discography, music, gallery, and events.
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Chechik, Sandra

(1977- ), Montreal, Canada. Biography, sound files, and links.
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Carnahan, Craig

Picture, biography, music, and news.
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Clark, Mitchell

(1956- ), Cherry Point, North Carolina. Picture and biography from Other Minds.
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Childs, Mary Ellen

Biography from the Other Minds site.
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Chasalow, Eric

Biography, music, performances, articles, photographs and press.
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Coleman, Paul

(1974- ) Biography, and performances.
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Chambers, Evan

Picture, biography, works, news, and performances.
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Clyne, Anna

(1980- ), London, England. Biography, works, and performances.
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Cohen, Steve

Biography, CV, lists of upcoming and past performances, lists of works, mp3 audio samples and PDF samples of score pages.
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Civilotti Carvalho, Alejandro

(1959- ), La Plata, the Argentine. Biography, compositions, and awards.
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Capyrin, Dmitri

(1960- ), Moscow, Russia. Curriculum vitae, list of compositions, scores (PDF), audio files (MP3), photos, program notes, contact information and links.
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Crawford , Robert

(1925- ), Edinburgh, Scotland. Biography from the Music Web.
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Carter, Steve

Includes excerpts of his music, CV, and contact details.
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Cuyvers, Guy

Belgian composer for film and television, site featuring biography, reviews, and orchestral and sound samples.
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Calvi, Davide

Music composer and arranger for film, television, and theater. Audio samples and contact information.
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Cotel, Morris Moshe

Picture, biography, and selected works.
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Cohn, Stephen

Biography, list of awards, reviews, a resume/credit list, latest news, and MP3 samples.
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Carpenter, Gary

(1951- ) Biography and works.
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Currie, Neil

(1955- ) Picture, biography, compositions, and discography.
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Ching-Wen Chao

(1973- ), Taiwan. Biography and instrumental and electroacoustic works.
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New Music USA: Gloria Coates

Biography, works, reviews, and recordings.
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Cope, David

(1941- ), San Francisco, California. Composer and professor at UC Santa Cruz. Biography.
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Conners, Ryan

Picture and list of works.
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Chadabe, Joel

Picture, biography, statement on art, music, and writings.
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Cervetti, Sergio

(1940- ), Dolores, Uruguay. Works and short biography from the Musicalics.
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Cook, Douglas

(1930-), West Ham, London. Picture, biography, scores with sound files which may be ordered.
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Cooke, Arnold

(1906- ), near Leeds, England. Includes biography.
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Cameron, John

(1944- ) Includes biography from the G. Schirmer site.
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Cerha, Friedrich

(1927- ), Vienna, Austria. Short biography from Musicalics.
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Camm, Cheryl

Picture, biography, and selected works from Sounz, New Zealand.
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Caskie, Helen

Short biography and selected works from the Sounz NZ site.
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Charles, John

(1940- ), Wellington, New Zealand. Picture, biography, and selected works from Sounz NZ.
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Caffrey, Greg

(1963- ), Belfast, Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland.
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Clarke, Rhona

(1958- ), Dublin, Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works from the Contemporary Music Information Centre, Ireland.
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Cleary, Siobhán

(1970- ), Dublin, Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works from the Contemporary Music Information Centre, Ireland.
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Climent, Angel

(1942- ), Spain. Picture, biography, and selected works from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland.
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Coghill, Rhoda

(1903-2000), Dublin, Ireland. Picture and biography from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland.
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Catherwood, David

(1956- ), Belfast, Ireland. Short biography from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland.
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Cox, David Harold

(1945- ), Portsmouth, England. Picture, biography, and selected works from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland.
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Cullivan, Tom

(1939- ), Cavan, Ireland. Biography and selected works from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland.
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Corcoran, Frank

(1944- ), Tipperary, Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works from the Contemporary Music Information Centre, Ireland.
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Collins, Paul

(1965- ), Dublin, Ireland. Picture, biography, and selected works from the Contemporary Music Centre, Ireland.
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