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Berlioz, Louis Hector Websites

Hector Berlioz (1803 - 1869), French early Romantic composer. Famous works: Symphonie Fantastique (1830), La Marche Hongroise (1841), Les Troyens (1863).- Category ID : 23898
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Berlioz, Hector

Includes biography, catalogs of musical and literary works, of works, and articles [English, French]
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Louis Hector Berlioz

Biographical information noting unlikely beginnings, financial struggles, critical acclaim, depression and withdrawal from composing, and selected works.
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Les Troyens

Information about performances and recordings of Les Troyens.
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Berlioz Music Scores

Scores which may be both viewed and played on line as midi files.
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Aesthetic Realism, Hector Berlioz, and Anger & Tenderness

Essay: Berlioz was passionate yet suffered from not knowing the difference between good and bad anger, true and false tenderness.--Edward Green
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Hector Berlioz

Wikipedia article with biography, legacy, musical influence and works, literary accomplishments, publication, internal references to related people and topics, links, and pictures.
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Hector Berlioz

Find A Grave listing with birth and death dates, summary of important works, portrait photo, pictures of tomb, cemetery information, and interactive memorial.
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Hector Berlioz

Filmography showing cinematic use of his works with biography and trivia from the Internet Movie Database.
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Hector Berlioz: Episodes in the Life of an Artist

Biography, key works, timeline, quotes, recommended recordings, and suggested further resources.
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Classical Music Archives: Hector Berlioz

Biography from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Over 20 complete works offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
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Hector Berlioz

Biographical sketch tracing his movement from outsider to practical definition of French Romanticism, summaries of orchestral, choral, and operatic works, and Naxos discography.
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Berlioz, Hector (1803 - 1869)

Brief biography and caricature with summaries of orchestral music, choral works, and operas with recommended recordings.
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Hector Berlioz

The Lied and Song Texts Page has the lyrics of 27 Berlioz mélodies and chansons, some with an English translation.
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