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Bartók, Béla Websites

Béla Bartók, a Hungarian composer (although born in a town now in Romania), lived from 1881 to 1945. Much of his music was influenced by Transylvanian folk tunes.- Category ID : 23863
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Bela Bartok

Timeline in German and English with links to related sites.
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Béla Bartók Memorial House

Budapest museum reconstructed from his home. Includes photo gallery and concert schedule. [English and Magyar.]
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Béla Bartók

Listing at Boosey and Hawkes music publishers with summary information, photograph, biography, works list, news, performances, discography, new recordings, discography, and RAM audio samples.
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Bela Bartok Club

Unmoderated Yahoo Launch email discussion group dedicated to the man and his music. Membership open to the public.
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Weblog by Christine Gleeson dedicated to the man and his works. Includes recommended recordings.
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Bela Bartok

Find A Grave listing of his Hungarian tomb in Farkasreti Cemetery with portrait photo, pictures of the grave site, and interactive memorial.
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Bela Bartok

Biographical information, links, and directory of MP3 audio files from Classic Cat.
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Béla Bartók: Early Ethnomusicologist

Brief biography, quotes, selected works, discography, suggested reading, other resources, chronology, and related articles from Humanities Web.
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Béla Bartók

Filmography showing cinematic and television use of his works and biographical material from the Internet Movie Database.
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Kunst der Fuge | Béla Bartók

MIDI files (freely downloadable) of Sonata per piano, Roumanian folk Dances and other pieces; short biography.
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Béla Bartók

Wikipedia article with biography, list of selected orchestral, choral, chamber, piano, and stage works, internal references to related people and topics, external links, and photograph.
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Classical Music Archives: Béla Bartók

Biography from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. Over 25 complete files offered in MIDI, MP3, and Windows Media audio formats, including live recordings of featured artists.
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Béla Bartók

Entry at the Lied and Art Songs Text Page with list of vocal works linked to lyrics in German and Magyar, some with English translations.
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