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Survivors Websites

Resources, forums, and support for survivors of sexual abuse.- Category ID : 461676
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Chasing The Wind

Poetry on sexual and physical abuse by a proud survivor.
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Still Rising: A Resource for Survivors of Childhood Abuse

Links to articles, websites, and chats covering the many aspects of abuse and its aftereffects.
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Survivors UK

Provides information, support and counselling for men who have been raped or sexually abused.
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National Association for People Abused in Childhood ( NAPAC)

NAPAC is a registered charity, which has been set up as a result of a key recommendation by the National Commission of Inquiry into the Prevention of Child Abuse.
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A non-profit online community center for abuse survivors providing anonymous discussions boards, chat rooms and other resources.
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Becoming Gold

Virtual support network for survivors of childhood sexual abuse, that encourages balance to the healing process through creativity, education and support.
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Survivors Safe House

A safe and secure site for survivors and victims of sexual abuse regardless of age or gender.
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My Twisted Sukha

This site deals with the effects of sexual abuse by a female perpetrator.
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Survivors Sanctuary

A safe place of support and resources for survivors of abuse, sexual, mental or physical. Everyone is welcome regardless of gender.
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Aching Heart

A resource for women survivors of sexual abuse and incest.
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Generation Five

A movement to end child sexual abuse in five generations through survivor leadership, community organization and public action.
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Journey to Healing

Offers help and healing for sexual abuse, incest and rape victims.
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It Happened to Alexa Foundation

A resource for victims of sexual assault to receive money to ease the burden of attending a criminal trial.
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Dancing In The Darkness

Help and support for survivors of rape and sexual abuse. A safe place to share stories, hope and courage.
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Butterfly Gardens

A site dedicated to victims/survivors of sexual abuse and incest.
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Peaceful Haven

A personal experience of emotional, mental and sexual abuse.
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The Hope of Survivors

Provides support, hope and encouragement for victims of clergy sexual abuse and misconduct.
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Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

Provides information, materials and on-line e-meeting for Individual and group support program for adult survivors of physical, sexual or emotional child abuse or neglect.
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Survive is a registered voluntary organization that provides support and help to survivors of child sexual abuse.
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Pagan Survivors of Sexual Assault

A Yahoo! group for membership to pagans, witches, and wiccan wanderers who are survivors of sexual assault or are friends and family members of pagan survivors of sexual assault.
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Art of Healing

Established artist, Linda Ness, shares her many paintings about her journey of recovery.
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Created for survivors of rape and sexual abuse. Includes a personal story, articles, poems, and links.
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Whitedoves Nest

A site dedicated to sexual abuse survivors and their supporters. Share your story, poetry, art, and tips on recovery.
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Share Your Survival Story

A web site where people can share their own personal stories of survival. Includes helpful links and other resources.
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Survivors Chat

A support site, chat rooms, and resources for survivors of rape, incest, sexual abuse, or SRA.
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Jane Rowan

Jane shares her experience of healing from childhood sexual abuse.
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The Silver Braid Survivors of Sexual Exploitation

Providing helpful information to those who have been victims of sexual exploitation.
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After Silence

A non-profit organization, message board and chat room for rape, sexual abuse, and sexual assault survivors.
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I Am A Survivor Not A Victim

A survivor shares her story of sexual abuse.
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The Lamplighter Movement

A movement for victims of incest and child sexual abuse. Offers a recovery program for children and adults.
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Fort Refuge

Supportive community for survivors of all types of abuse. Library of resources on recovery, forums, chat rooms, and weekly hosted chats.
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Survivor Matters

Information and support forum for any survivors of any type of abuse. Created by survivors for survivors.
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Confronting Collusion in Churches

This site offers a source of support for survivors, church leaders and survivor advocates struggling with clergy sexual abuse, domestic violence and incest.
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Pressing On...

A site dedicated to the survivors of sexual abuse and incest. Provides practical info about sexual abuse, self-injury, eating disorders, quotes and fun links to nurture the child within.
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Self-help group for women survivors of incest providing online information and support via website, message board and email.
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