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idmoz Society Religion and Spirituality Taoism Associations Foundations Retreats

Associations Foundations Retreats Websites

- Category ID : 461174
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True Tao Home Page

I-Kuan Tao in English, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and other great philosophers, monthly columns, articles on Tao teachings, stories and translations.
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Healing Tao USA Site

A private educational trust. It operates Healing Tao University and a fulfillment center that sells a wide variety of Tao products.
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The Foundation of Tao

Information about the founder, articles on various tao aspects such as: tao of sexology, tao of mastery and tao of healing
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Daoist Foundation

Offers information about its work as well as resources for deepening our understanding of Daoism as a religious tradition and way of life.
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TaoTao Project

A research platform and virtual library focusing on Chinese medicine and acupuncture. The project aims to provide means to read and study ancient philosophical, religious and medical writings. Virtual library, search tool, dictionary and "a word for word" matrix translator for machine aided translation. The forums provide a way for researchers and students for open dialogue and shared translation.
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Lao Zi Academy

Provides teachings, training, Daoist tours in China and a blog.
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Tao Fellowship

Offers training, retreats, ceremonies, prayers, volunteering.
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The Taoism for the Modern World

Offers free Taoist training and mentoring, free online qi gong and answers specific questions.
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Zhen Dao Pai

Offers study program including learning methods of work with energy – qigong -, corporal practices - Dao Yin, Taiji quan, Xing yi quan - breating practices and Inner Alchemy - Neidan.
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Chi in Nature

Taoist temple in Canada offering teachings and services, Taoist magic, healings, martial arts, chi kung and all related subjects. Service the local and online world wide web.
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Qigong and Daoist Training Center

Qigong certification, classes and retreats.
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Journal of Daoism Studies

Three Pines Press is an independent academic publishing company specializing in Daoist studies.
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Healing Tao

Offers tao teachings and training, personal coaching, inner dialogue, vitality consultations.
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