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Reincarnation Websites

Reincarnation category deals with the belief in a soul that survives death of a body and is reborn in another. This belief is common to many cultures and listings engage the reader in exploring and studying these beliefs.- Category ID : 460993
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Reincarnation - Its Meaning and Consequences

Ernest Valea examines the history and prevalence of reincarnation in world religions and popular belief.
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A comprehensive examination of the origins and prevalence of reincarnation as a concept in world religious traditions. Includes both Eastern and Western traditions as well as ancient and modern views.
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Wikipedia - Reincarnation

The origins and historical development of reincarnation as a concept and belief in world religious traditions.
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The Question of Reincarnation

Article about life, death and reincarnation, from a Christian Spiritualist perspective.
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An essay on the Western origins of reincarnation as a philosophical concept and religious belief.
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In Another Life - Reincarnation in America

Supporting website for documentary film on reincarnation. Includes film preview, related articles, collection of personal accounts, book reviews and on-line store.
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A Note on Past Lives

Author and spiritual teacher L. Ron Hubbard writes about reincarnation and its effects on our present lives.
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Edgar Cayce and Reincarnation: Past Life Readings as Religious Symbology

Essay by J. Gordon Melton analyzing some of the readings and other materials left by Edgar Cayce about reincarnation.
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The Reincarnation FAQ

Information about reincarnation from scientific, religious and mystical perspectives. Includes examples of past life memory, supporting articles, bibliography, information about past life regression and on-line bookstore.
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Preparation for Reincarnation

Eva Broch Pierrakos discusses the process of reincarnation and how we can influence our next life through the choices we make now. Pathwork Guide Lecture, no. 34.
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Express: "Reincarnation is Real"

Intertwines the theories of consciousness survival and reincarnation by suggesting a departing soul can find a new brain. Cites the case of James Leninger believed to be a downed aircraft pilot.

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