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Faery Websites

Faery, Faerie or Feri Tradition delves into sites related to the magick of the Fae, the Wee Folk, the Gentry, the Sidhe, the Tuatha de Danaan - the "Faery Faith". Some sites are quite serious, others playful.- Category ID : 460834
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Faeries and Other Wee Folk

Favorite plants, names, superstitions, interests, and poems.
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Francesca De Grandis

A faery shaman trained by Victor Anderson.
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Rituals and essays on the practices of paganism from the perspective of a teacher of the craft, and initiate of the feri tradition.
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The Realm of the Fae

Art work, encyclopedia and gallery.
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3rd Road Faery Tradition

Presents the tradition taught by author Francesca De Grandis.
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Covenant of Rhiannon Community

A Welsh faerie tradition coven, located in Cape May, NJ.
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Church of the Spiral Tree

Incorporated in August 1997 to provide a legal, tax-exempt status to those of the faerie faith in Alabama, and the larger community.
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Academy of the Faerie Folk

Links, reading list, and discussions.
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T. Thorn Coyle

Feri tradition priestess offers: workshop descriptions, travel schedule, music, writings and philosophy.
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Faery Faith

The official homepages for the faery faith and faery wicca books by Kisma Stepanich, about the Irish faery faith tradition as practiced in America.
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Faerie Wonderland

Poetry, graphics, facts, believe buttons, adoptees as well as things just for fun.
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Faery Folk and Kin

Large list and descriptions of types of faeries and relations.
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The Glistening Pixie

Frequently asked faery questions, images, links,and a directory.
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Original faerie art by Nedda Angelina Shishegar.
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Fly with Fairies- Do you believe?

Site has: fairie facts, resources, fairy-related book reviews, quotes, fairyasaura, poems, websites, comics and cartoons; a Fairy Believers Club and reasources for lovers of the fae.
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A Contemporary View of the World of the Fair Folk

Modern descriptions of the world of the Celtic sea god Manannan Mac Lir, and the associated faerie lineages of gods, mages, bards, artists, and warriors.
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The Faery Tradition

A variety of faery information and links.

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