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Personal Pages Websites

Listings of personal homepages by Muslims.- Category ID : 459990
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Sallam, Feras

A Palestinian presents his biography, poetry, and interests. Includes background on Palestine and on Islam.
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The Muslimah Ya-ya

Weblog for Muslim women.
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Weblogs include thoughts of a Muslim woman, clippings of news stories, and translation and commentary for verses of the Quran. Also includes an introduction to Islam, articles, and recommended reading.
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Farooq, Samiuddin

Presents his profile and resumé. Includes a collection of articles and links of Islamic interest.
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Azam, Dr Umar

Includes a collection of his writings on Islam, Muslims in Britain, science and religion, and dreams.
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Nizami, Agus

Makes a case for developing trade and commerce between Muslims. Also includes his profile, and articles about his interests.
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Ammar, Abdul Moeed

Information about Islam and his personal profile; also some games.
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An American Pakistani male discusses Islam and the Quran; being a Muslim, he is a feminist, an activist, a thinker. Includes his weblog, creative writings and photos, and his profile.
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Islam - Path to Paradise

A collection of articles on Muslim belief and religious practice.
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Khan, Hafsa

A collection of articles and sermons on Muslim belief and culture; also includes links to resources on Pakistan, and a personal and family profile.
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Said, Jawdat

An interview outlining the thoughts on non-violence of a Muslim thinker. [Arabic and English]
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Möller, André

Personal website of a Swedish academic with interests in Islam in Indonesia and Java, and Ramadan.
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Planet Grenada

A weblog on religion, culture and politics from the perspective of a modern-day Moor.
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Muslim by Choice

A personal weblog by a Muslima in the US; includes inspirational writings and consideration of some dilemnas faced by Muslims.
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A weblog on Islam and perceptions of the Muslim community.
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Seth, Ubaid

A weblog on his personal interpretation of Islam.
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Islam - The Religion Of Peace

Mohammed Ghouse of Maho, Sri Lanka presents the basic principles of his belief in Islam.
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Choudhury, Hassan

A writer and author specializing inn Islam and issues of interest to the Muslim community in the West. Includes a collection of his articles.
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A group weblog of discourses on the intellectual traditions, political situation, and social ethics of Muslim life.
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Sisters in Faith

Ringside view of life as Muslim girls. A weblog by two young women, and their perspectives on life.
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The Ramadan Diaries

A college student struggles with her spirituality during the month of Ramadan. An annual diary.
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