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Elementary and Secondary Schools Websites

- Category ID : 459914
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Jamea al-Kauthar

Offers residential schooling for girls in an Islamic environment. Information about curriculum, policies, facilities and admission. Lancaster, UK.
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Universal School of Buffalo

An independent Islamically based educational institution recognized by the New York State Department of Education. Information about the school and activities. [New York, US]
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Nur ul Islam Academy

Independent Muslim school offering education to children from pre-kindergarten to 12th Grade. Florida, US.
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Annoor Academy of Knoxville

A private Islamic school serving the Greater Knoxville area, Tennessee, US. Information about curriculum, school calendar, with news, photos and forums.
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Al-Hadi School of Accelerative Learning

Situated within the Islamic Education Center in southwest Houston.
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Universal School

Full-time K-12 school based in Bridgeview, Illinois providing secular and Islamic education.
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Madina Academy

Based in Windsor, Connecticut this school offers full-time Islamic education for K-7 levels in 2002-2003, with proposed addition of one level every year. Admission guidelines, event information and newsletter, and student handbook.
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Al-Hidayah Islamic School

Provides a full curriculum in an Islamic environment. Includes information about the school and their program of Islamic Studies. Perth, Australia.
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Al-Amal School

Full-time Islamic school in Minnesota, US, providing education in an Islamic environment from kindergarten to 12th Grade. Includes information about school, facilities, and activities.
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Dar ul-Uloom al-Madania

A school offering a combination of Muslim education and the current New York public school curriculum; information about courses, teachers and applications. Based in Buffalo, New York, US.
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Ibn Seena Academy

Provides Islamic Studies, Arabic, and a program of secular education. Information about admission, policies and contact details. [Florida, US]
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Al-Ghazzali Centre for Islamic Sciences and Human Development

Offers a range of education services for the Muslim community, including a commnity school for children 7-12 years old. [New South Wales, Australia]
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Islamic College of South Australia

Offers an education in Islam and secular subjects in a Muslim environment, from kindergarten through to senior school; information about subjects, services, the local community, and contact details. [Adelaide, South Australia]
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Pleasant View School

Memphis, Tennessee. An Islamic-based school open to all faiths in grades PK-6.
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