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Creation vs Evolution Websites

Sites in the category deal with the debate of creation vs. evolution.- Category ID : 459054
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The Revolution Against Evolution

A site with links to a number of essays on the Creation-Evolution controversy.
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Institute for Creation Research - ICR

Indepth scientific and biblical information regarding the creation/evolution controversy.
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Creation Studies Institute

Scientific evidence to support creation as written in the book of Genesis.
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The Genesis Network

Detailed synopsis of the question of origins using the Bible and Scientific evidence.
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The American Scientific Affiliation Creation/Evolution Page

Resources on various sides of the issue, including historical, scientific and biblical/theological papers as well as relevant news items.
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God, Evolution, and the Big Bang

a pamphlet responding to some of the common misconceptions about the relationship between science and religion, and giving some of the evidence for evolution and the Big Bang
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Creation/Evolution Organizations

This is a directory of organizations and list servers in the creation/evolution controversy.
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Christian Newswire: Creation / Evolution

An RSS news feed for articles on creation and evolution.
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Ten Significant Court Decisions

Summaries of 10 court decisions on creation-evolution issues from 1968 to 2005, with links to the decisions.
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Inherit The Spin

Questions and responses from both the NCSE and a creation scientist.
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CARM: Evolution Debate Archive

Debates on dating methods, transitional forms, genetics, and the philosophy of science.
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Discusses models for the creation of the universe and earth.
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Insects Bug Evolutionism

Arguments against Darwinian evolution from the standpoint of creationism and using examples from the insect world.
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Creation Engineering Concepts

Scientific evidence for Biblical creation and history of the theory of evolution.
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Evidence in the fields of physics, biology, geology, and other areas of science.
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Scientific Proof Against Evolution

Article refuting the veracity of Darwinian theory with scientific support and apologetics.
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Creation Ministries International

Scientific, academic, and technological data, includes archived magazine articles.
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Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia

Over 700 printed pages supporting the debate of creation vs. evolution
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