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Pastoral Support Websites

- Category ID : 458027
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Bullied and Abused Lives in Ministry

An international and inter-denominational support group for Christian ministers who have been bullied or abused in ministry, and for their close family members.
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Joy Bringer Ministries

Dedicated especially to people in ministry who are hurting.
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The Mountain Learning Center

An inter-denominational mountain retreat experience for pastors and their spouses to revitalize their relationship with God, self and others.
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Resources and support for clergypersons and other religious professionals in recovery.
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Broomtree Ministries Free Pastor Retreats

Several free retreats are offered to pastors each year.
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Personal Spiritual Retreat

Provides, free of charge, a place of rest, restoration and refocus for pastors. Located in Bradenton Florida.
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Smoldering Wick Ministries

Non denominational support for ministry leaders that are burned-out, hurting or wounded. Overview, situations, seminars and resources.
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Peacemaker Ministries

Training and resources to help resolve and prevent church conflict.
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The Association of Marriage and Family Ministries

Delivering resources to the marketplace, serving pastors, teachers, trainers, mentors, life coaches, and counselors.
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Armorbearer International

Purpose is to help leaders and supporters build strong teams especially in the local church. Includes workshops, newsletter and questions.
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Barnabas Network International

Exists as a support vehicle for those involved in church leadership and pastoral care - providing practical insights, reflections and resources.
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Pastor Training International

Seeks to strengthen the church by providing training conferences, mentoring, and literature for pastors and church leaders in the developing world.
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My Pastor

Ideas, resources, and poems to help with pastor appreciation, anniversary celebrations, searches, and burnout.
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A community of pastors supporting each other during challenging times. A place to share, ask, encourage and grow.
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Overseas Ministries Studies Center

Provides a place and a program where church leaders and missionaries from around the world can find spiritual, professional, and physical renewal through our residential, academic, and study programs.
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National Conservative Christian Church

Non-denominational ministerial fellowship that provides ordination and support to ministers.
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Pastor Burnout

Offers support and resources to help pastors combat and overcome ministry burnout.
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Care for Pastors

Provides resources of encouragement and counsel for pastors, missionaries, and other Christian leaders who are on the brink of career, marital and/or spiritual decline.
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Offers confidential, one-on-one counsel and support to hurting pastors.
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CareGivers Forum

A once a year gathering of people involved in the ministry of caring for professional Christian workers and their families. This site provides information about the annual conference and a directory of ministries providing services.
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Alongside Ministries

A Christian counseling and retreat ministry geared to the unique needs of Christian leaders, especially pastors and missionaries.
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PIR Ministries

Provides refuge churches for forcibly exited pastors and for pastors who have had a moral failure. It is a program of restoration with the intention of placing the pastor back into ministry.
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Thriving Pastor

Includes encouragement, suggested resources, and a variety of features to assist pastors in being cultural leaders.Offers a focus on the family.
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