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Presbyterian Church USA Websites

The Presbyterian Church (USA) is the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States with over 2.5 million members across the country. Formed in 1983 with the merger of the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America ("northern church") and the Presbyterian Church in the United States ("southern church"), the PC(USA) maintains its national offices in Louisville, Kentucky.- Category ID : 456610
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Speer Trust

Assists low income people in Delaware and the eastern shore of Maryland. Applications, criteria information, material on the trust and trustees.
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Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Churchwide home page for the largest Presbyterian denomination in the United States, the PCUSA.
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Presbyterian Foundation

Acts as trust managers for small church related trusts, invests and administers gifts, distributing proceeds according to the direction of trust founders. Information for donors and churches, as well as about the Foundation and its officers.
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History of the Early American Presbyterian Church

Articles from the 1884 "Encyclopedia of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America," by Alfred Nevin.
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219th General Assembly (2010)

Report and results of the 2010 General Assembly of the PCUSA held in Minneapolis.
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220th General Assembly (2012)

Planning documents and details of the 2012 General Assembly of the PCUSA in Pittsburgh.
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Presbyterian Creedal Standards

Creedal standards of the Presbyterian Church. Background and texts of statements of belief from the Nicene creed to the 1998 General Assembly catachism.
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Linking churches and other sites that are connected to the Presbyterian Church (USA).
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The Book of Order (English)

The form of government, directory for worship, and rules of discipline of the Presbyterian Church (USA), 20011-13 version. Free, downloadable pdf version.
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The Book of Confessions

The statement of beliefs of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in the form of confessional statements. Downloadable PDF.
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216th General Assembly (2004)

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 216th General Assembly: That All May Have Life in Fullness. Official notes on the annual denominational convocation, held in Richmond, June 26 - July 3, 2004.
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217th General Assembly (2006) - Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

217th General Assembly: So Great a Cloud of Witnesses. Official notes on the annual denominational convocation, in Birmingham, Alabama, June 15-22, 2006.
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Presbyterian Mission Agency

Official ministry and mission agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Offers overview, news, resources, donate, mission and ministry.

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