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Churches of God Websites

This is an umbrella category for the various "Church of God" denominations.- Category ID : 454690
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Church of God - Faithful Flock

Modesto, California. Church faithful to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong.
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Zion Assembly Church of God

Denomination headquartered in Cleveland, Tennessee. Leadership, upcoming events, and abstract of faith.
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The Journal: News of the Churches of God

Seeking to encourage communication among the Sabbatarian Churches of God. Reports, news and events, commentaries on the church and prayer requests.
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Bethel Church of God

Eugene, Oregon. Doctrinal exegesis of the original Radio Church of God.
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Church of God, The Eternal

Remnant of the Worldwide Church of God. Offers locations, overview, beliefs, articles, sermons, audio and video archives, streamed video and letters.
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Hope of Israel Ministries Church of God

Dedicated to keeping the Sabbath and the Holy Days while recognizing that there is only one true God (Yehovah) and His servant Yeshua the Messiah.
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About Herbert W. Armstrong

Teachings and writings: Incredible Human Potential, United States and Britain in Prophecy, and Mystery of the Ages.
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Church of God Most High

Extensive studies in the word of God: Sabbaths, Holy Days, pagan holidays and other Christian subjects.
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Church of the Great God

Sabbath-keeping, non-trinitarian church. Locations, overview, news and library.
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The British-Israel Church of God

Proving the identity of the British and American people in bible prophecy.
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Resource dedicated to education about the seventh day sabbath.
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Church of God - NEO

North East Ohio. Overview, course, lessons, literature, sermons and directions.
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Church of God 7th Day - Jerusalem

Headquarters Jerusalem Israel. This online resource defines the doctrine of the church.
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Bible Tools

A Bible study site dedicated to assisting individuals with their personal studying through providing reputable Bible resources and study tools.
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The Seven Times Bible Newsletter

Dedicated to Biblical understanding. Offers articles about bible topics of interest to most Christian people.
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The Real Truth Magazine

A magazine of The Restored Church of God.
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Guardian Ministries

Sermon summaries, announcements and features related to this independent sabbath keeping church, its pastor Dr. David Antion and its outreach ministries.
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Herbert W. Armstrong Library and Archives

Church of God articles written by Herbert W. Armstrong plus church history archives.
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Restored Church of God

Overview, articles, questions and answers, sermons and broadcasts.

Subcategories under Churches of God 14

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