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Organizations Websites

Nonprofit Catholic organizations of national or international interest. The exceptions are the subcategories for Catholic student organizations and for the Knights of Columbus, where local web pages are welcome. Parishes should be submitted to the Parishes category. Religious orders should be submitted to the Orders category. Other local Catholic organizations are best found in the appropriate Regional category.- Category ID : 453272
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Militia Immaculatae

Official web site of the International Center. Association founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe. Members dedicate themselves to evangelization and service. Trilingual site: Italian, English, and Spanish.
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International Order of Alhambra

A fraternal order of Catholic men dedicated to assisting persons developmentally disabled by mental retardation.
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Call To Action USA

This organization has close to twenty thousand members throughout the United States. This site contains links, news and resources for Catholic renewal. (Controversial).
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Catholics for Choice (CFC)

Provides a counterpoint to the Catholic hierarchy and supports women seeking to follow their conscience in matters of sexuality and reproductive health. Includes overview, articles and campaign information.
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Catholic Charities USA

The largest private network of social service organizations in the United States works to support families, reduce poverty, and build communities.
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Brothers and Sisters of Penance

Private Catholic association of the faithful. Lay men and women living, in their own homes, modern statutes to the Primitive Rule for penitents.
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National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry

An organization of Catholic diocesan youth ministry offices in the United States.
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Shepherds of Christ Ministries

Focuses on enriching the spiritual life of priests, religious and laity through newsletters, books, tapes, and prayer networks.
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Aid to the Church in Russia

A non-profit organization established in the United States to provide material support for the Catholic Church in Russia.
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Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church

A source for documents and links on current issues and reform/renewal movements within the Church.
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Opus Sanctorum Angelorum

Promotes "a true imitation of the holy angels, and a conscious collaboration with them." Worship, contemplation, active apostolate. Prays for priests and bishops.
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Catholic Marketing Network

Association of retailers and suppliers of Catholic literature, music, gifts, and other products and services consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
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Central Association of the Miraculous Medal

Fosters devotion to Mary the Mother of God to support apostolic works on behalf of the poor.
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Corpus Canada

An association for renewed Catholic priesthood. Laicized Catholic priests, their spouses, and friends. Promotes Catholic Church reform.
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Support group in the UK for priests and religious who have left the official ministry or religious life. Description, aims, mailing list. Uses frames.
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The Saint Joseph Foundation

Assists Catholics in knowing and vindicating their rights in the Church.

Subcategories under Organizations 10

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