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Personal Pages Websites
Personal Pages for Atheists- Category ID : 450782
6 - No Deity
On skepticism and the journey from religion to freedom.
13 - ElvenSarah
Editorial and daily life of a recently turned ex-christian and the life she now leads. Includes rants on her view of pornography, laws, and the people who live in this world.
17 - Atheist Ethicist
In-depth posts on humanistic ethics from Alonzo Fyfe, author of "A Better Place: Essays on Desire Utilitarianism."
18 - Black Sun Journal
A personal and philosophical journal about my movement away from superstition toward atheism, science and direct introspection.
23 - Black Woman Thinks
The views of a UK-born black woman on issues as varied as religion, politics, atheism, race, philosophy.
25 - The Daily Mull
Fiction and non-fiction on spirituality in the modern world, by a former protestant spiritual director with a doctorate in philosophical theology.
26 - Open Parachute
Blog for the philosophical discussion of religion, atheist. religious diversity and science.
28 - Beyond the Flock
A blog of logical, reasoned editorials pertaining mostly to religion, or lack thereof. Other topics include current events and politics.
29 - The Odd Blog
My blog, where I talk about politics, atheism, society, animation, government and zombie flicks. I also witter on about my fiction on occasion, plus whatever else strikes me as interesting.
30 - Atheist Revolution
Dedicated to breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism in America.
31 - Raging Rev
A blog about a journey from being a devoted Christian to an atheist.
33 - How Good is That?
Personal weblog by Jim Gardner. Topics include religion, atheism, science, and rationalism.
36 - Digital Freethought
Help leaving religion, science links, list of famous atheists, and quotations for free thinkers.
38 - 330m
Blog dedicated to pointing out fallacious arguments and dogmatic approaches from religious camps.
39 - Daylight Atheism
An atheist site with a humanist bent that features in-depth articles about politics and philosophy. Sponsor of the Humanist Symposium.
40 - Atheism: Proving The Negative
Analyses of religion, faith, miracles, evidence for religious claims, evil and God, arguments for and against God, atheism, agnosticism, fideism, the role of religion in society, and related issues.
43 -
The political, memetic, sociological, philosophical and humorous website of Martin Willett.