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Conservatism Websites

Political conservatism is an orientation which holds that Man being fallible, tradition is an important transmitter of wisdom, and that maintenance of the established order with moderate reform is preferable to utopian idealism and revolutionary change.

Conservatism is sometimes mischaracterized as mere resistance to change or modernity. For example, the Encyclopædia Britannica definition states

"Conservatism: Political philosophy that emphasizes conserving as much as possible of the present economic, social, and political order."
It must be added that this approach is stated in contrast to radical ones, in which the very principles or institutions conservatives assume to underlie a society are attacked. In practical political terms, conservatives may actually advocate substantial changes in policy or outlook to preserve such institutions or principles, although the spe- Category ID : 449959
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The Rutherford Institute

A non-profit conservative legal organization dedicated to the defense of civil, especially religious, liberties and human rights.
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The web page of syndicated radio host Alex Jones. Conspiracy-tinted site containing strong opposition to socialism, communism, and the New World Order.
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Town Hall

Conservative news and information portal, hosting columns, discussion area, live chat, multimedia, issue library, news headlines, and directory. Hosts sites for a number of major North American policy research groups, foundations, publications, and conservative societies.
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Project 21

A networking and research organization founded in 1992 to give a voice to conservative African-Americans. Sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research
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The Conservative Christian Resource Center

Political links of interest for Christian conservatives
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Offers a large collection of essays, quotations, and links to right-thinking academics, journalists, authors, and activists in North America.
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A conservative web portal providing news and reviews, discussion boards, free newsletters, conservative email, online shopping.
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Underground Notes

Conservative links, news, computer help, music, books, articles and reviews, movie reviews.
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Providing news, information and commentary from a conservative Orthodox Christian perspective on social and cultural issues of our times.
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Conservative Politics at

News, commentary, editorial cartoons, newsletter, and an extensive directory of links concerning conservative political issues, organizations, and media.
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Breaking All the Rules

A collection of essays on politics and current events with an "America First" bent. Includes archives and related links.
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The Republican Papers

A collection of articles and user-submitted essays, including text of recent speeches.

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