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Electronic Democracy Websites

The use of computers, computer technology, and the internet in political campaigns, community organizing, and other political functions.- Category ID : 449947
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Center for Technology in Government

Works with government to develop information strategies that foster innovation and enhance the quality and coordination of public services.
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Minnesota E-Democracy

A nonpartisan citizen-based project, whose mission is to improve participation in democracy in Minnesota through the use of information networks.
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E-The People

Online petitions regarding a wide variety of subjects are available for online signature. Also, for constituent letters, a search function that identifies issue-relevant public officials.
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The Campaign Finance Information Center (CFIC)

Dedicated to helping journalists cover campaigns more in-depth by following the campaign money trail. It collects state campaign finance data from across the nation, and uses the data to build a search engine that allows reporters to track political cash flow.
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Founded to educate the public, policy makers, and the media about technology-based social and political issues, and to promote access to and use of information technology as a tool for community organizing, outreach, and advocacy.
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Steven Clift offers articles, commentaries, presentations, and mailing lists concerning campaign, elections, and the future of electronic democracy.
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Virtual Activist Training Course

A primer on using the Internet for political activism.
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Provides an online forum for users to write texts in furtherance of participatory democracy.
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Electronic Voting Hot List

List of Internet sites with information about electronic voting--includes links to information about systems, protocols and risks; also includes links to information about direct democracy, vote-by-phone, and vote-by-mail.
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Center for Digital Government

A national research and advisory institute providing government and industry leaders with research and educational resources to help them transform public organizations through digital technologies.
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Campaign Web Review

Seeks to highlight the ways candidates and campaigns used the Internet in 1998 and provides perspective on the positive and negative impacts that this powerful medium is having on the electoral process.
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