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Organizations Websites

This category features organizations of seniors.- Category ID : 447636
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Organization for mature adults 50 and above in the United States. Information on health, long-term care, economic security, independent living and consumer issues.
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AMAC - Association of Mature American Citizens

Organization for conservative mature adults 50 and above. Includes information on membership, discounts, finances, health and issues.
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Council On The Ageing (COTA)

Consumer organization founded to protect and promote the wellbeing of older Australians. Offers a comprehensive range of news and information.
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Society of Military Widows (SMW)

Support group for widows of military personnel with membership in local chapters or national at-large basis.
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Academy of Senior Professionals at Eckerd College (ASPEC)

One of three Institutes for Learning in Retirement in the U.S., an intellectual and social community for seniors.
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Seniors Against Federal Extravagance (S.A.F.E.)

A non-partisan volunteer organization of seniors seeking to protect future generations by paying down public debt and reforming Social Security.
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The Seniors Coalition

Advocacy organization to protect the quality of life and economic well-being that older Americans have earned while supporting common sense solutions to the challenges of the future.
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The Senior Citizens League

Seniors advocacy association working to safeguard earned benefits including military and government retirements, improvements in Social Security, Notch solution and Seniors CPI.
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Congress of California Seniors (CCS)

California nonprofit education and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the life of seniors. News and expert commentaries on a wide variety of issues.
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Alliance for Retired Americans

Nationwide organization of more than 3 million members focusing on issues affecting seniors. Includes a weekly newsletter and legislative analysis.
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Irish Association of Older People

Membership-based organization serving seniors by providing a voice, information, and advocacy. Includes a newsletter.

Subcategories under Organizations 2

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