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idmoz Society Paranormal Personal Pages

Personal Pages Websites

Pages related to an aspect of the paranormal or supernatural that does not fit into one of the other subcategories, and owned by individuals, not organizations or companies.- Category ID : 447347
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Written by a couple who use ITC to talk to spirits. Sections on documentaries, ITC techniques and mediumship.
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Dreams of the Great Earth Changes

Articles on topics including 11:11, crop circles and annual predictions.
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Consciousness Shift Resources

Certified addiction treatment specialist offers stories and articles on exploring the mystery of the ages.
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Contains information on various topics including prophecy, UFOs and lost civilizations.
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Transcommunication Video

Information on a recording technique used to research paranormal images and voices.
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The Supernatural Zone

Dedicated to the study of the supernatural and the paranormal.
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The University of Life

All aspects of the paranormal.
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Aliens, UFOs, ghost stories, visions near death, and a webring.
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The Dark Clouds

Paranormal and strange happenings from the UK Midlands.
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Andrew May

Fiction and nonfiction speculations on the weirder fringes of science and culture - chaos theory, UFOs, the paranormal and antigravity, Forteana, postmodernism and the New Age.
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Psi Knowledge

Paranormal and psychic related definitions.
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Jinn Information

Jinn materialize as many creatures: UFO, monster, elementals, demons, Ascended Master, apparition, doppelganger and angel. They are masters of astral and etheric alchemy and create religion and mythology.
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Book of the Unnaturals

A guide to tales of the paranormal.
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Offers a new way of looking at the UFO phenomenon, as well as topics such as meditation, Qigong, Gung fu, dreams, and reincarnation.
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The APE Gallery: The Art of Paranormal Experience.

A visionary folk art gallery featuring the sketches produced by witnesses to supernatural entities, demons, aliens and ghosts.
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Extraordinary Intelligence

Explores all things mysterious and unknown, with a special emphasis on conspiracy and paranormal events.
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Ellis Taylor

Features articles and news on paranormal topics, as well as photos, alternative investigations and books by the author.
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Goblins Nest

First hand experiences and personal thoughts about a variety of paranormal events from ghosts to EVP to UFOs.
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Dedicated to the discovery of the graph of OneEye (1i) and the mathematical phenomenon that is "Phi".
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Contains information relating to various metaphysical topics including reincarnation, soul mates and near death experiences.
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Grassy Knoll Institute

Humorous look at various paranormal theories.
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Man and the Unknown

Offers a look into the paranormal including videos and articles on topics such as EVP, New Age origins and Javanese mystical movements.
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Demon Tales

Blog with bizarre news, strange creatures, ghost videos, supernatural tales, paranormal videos, UFOs, cryptozoology and other oddities.
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Written by a man claiming to have been under attack by negative entities. Includes his story and advice.
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Miroslaw Magola

The Magnetman presents videoclips of his magnetic abilities.
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Abnormal Realm

Blog covering topics such as UFOs and ghosts. Categories also include podcasts and a glossary.
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Exploring The Paranormal

Articles on subjects such as Big foot, ghosts and television.
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Los Angeles Paranormal

Includes articles, photograph and audio evidence.
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Paranormal Encounters

Articles on subjects such as hauntings, UFOs and cryptozoology.
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Q. Dean Sloan

Thoughts from an Australian author. Includes news and links.
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Neil Cooper Spirit Speaks

Topics covered include astral projection, lucid dreams, psychic, mediumship, meditation, spirit guides, and the afterlife.
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Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers

Offers an e-book and newsletter.
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Blog written by Robert McLuhan, a journalist and author. Entries cover topics such as psychic research, sceptics and survival after death.
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