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World War II Websites

This category is for POW/MIA related, World War II specific, for any country.- Category ID : 445092
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Ghost of Bataan

POW survivor Abie Abraham tells the real truth about the Death March and prison camps in Bataan.
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Deliverance! It has come! WWII, POW Diary (1942-1945)

This site is in memory of Herman Beaber who was a WWII POW in Los Banos, Philippines.
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Prisoner Of War

Eyewitness account by Dr. Paul Ashton, medical staff of the US Bataan force, contained in two books, Bataan Diary and a section called And Somebody Gives a Damn.
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"And So ..." - Royal Navy stoker from Crete to German POW

Memoirs of a Royal Navy stoker captured at Crete, who spent four years as a German POW.
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POW John T Murray

The story of Prisoner of War, John T. Murray, 2nd Echelon 7th Anti Tank Regiment, from New Zealand.
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COFEPOW - Children of Far East Prisoners of War

A charity perpetuating the memory of those Prisoners of War who were held captive in South East Asia during World War II.
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POWs in Japan, World War II

Detailed information on allied POW camps under the Japanese in World War II. Includes camp and death rosters
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United States Marines in North China

Records of US Marine POWs held in China by the Japanese during World War II.
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World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I

Narratives and pics of Allied prisoners of war in Germany at Stalag Luft I during World War II. Official War Dept. documents, the secret newspaper, artwork, and the German interrogators.
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MIA Joseph Thompson

Joseph Thompson has been MIA since 1943 when his plane was lost over Paupa New Guinea.
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Swiss Internees Association

A site comprised of the stories of U.S. Army Air Force veterans who endured captivity by the Swiss Government during WWII.
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Long Way - Watom Island

The life of a World War II prisoner of war in East New Britain Province.
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Never Forgotten - The story of the Taiwan POW Camps

The story of the Japanese prisoner of war camps on the island of Taiwan (Formosa) during World War II.
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Mitsubishi Sendai #6 (Hanawa) POW Camp

Stories of survival by the Allied POWs working as slave labor for Mitsubishi Copper Mining.
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Bataan Diary

Website selling a book about Prisoners of War on Bataan.
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