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Anti-War Movement Websites

This category is for sites on the anti-war movement, resources, and anti-war-organizations.- Category ID : 441649
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Stop the War Coalition

UK anti-war organisation. Provides news, articles, mailing lists, calendar of peace events, photos, and resources for groups and individuals.
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Active Resistance to the Roots of War / Justice not Vengeance

Nonviolent direct action group opposing the Gulf War. Includes anti-war documents and news; describes core principles and activities.
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Includes a daily index of the latest breaking news from a variety of media on the war in Iraq, as well as other conflicts.
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The Irish Anti-War Movement

Includes information about demonstrations and Iraqi sanctions, posters, flyers, factsheets, and discussion forum.
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Libertarians for Peace

Libertarians committed to ending to United States military intervention and imperialism which benefits powerful government and corporate special interests at the expense of Americans and of peoples worldwide.
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Peaceful Tomorrows

An advocacy organization founded by family members of September Eleventh victims. Its mission is to seek effective nonviolent responses to terrorism, and identify a commonality with all people similarly affected by violence throughout the world.
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The Peace Pretzel - Counterpropaganda for the People

Peace, freedom of speech, and anti-Bush administration graphics offered for free.
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Radio Baghdad

Protests the US invasion of Iraq. Includes audio files, articles, pictures, and related resources.
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Arizona Alliance for Peaceful Justice (AAPJ)

Coalition of concerned individuals and organizations working toward peaceful and just solutions to terrorism and violence. Features calendar of events and links to related sites and e-groups.
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Code Pink

Calls on women around the world to rise up and oppose the war in Iraq. Encourages all actions, from public education and free speech to nonviolent civil disobedience that can disrupt the progress toward war. Action alerts, sign-up for e-mail updates, message board for women to share their experiences working for peace, vigil news, and upcoming events.
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Cities for Peace

Effort to get city councils and other civic bodies to pass resolutions against a war on Iraq. Includes sample resolutions, activist toolkit, and action alerts.
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United for Peace

News and events, ideas of ways to protest a war against Iraq, resources for organizations, and local and national contacts.
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Who Dies for Bush Lies?

Details the human cost of the somewhat controversial push for war and suggests methods of opposition.
14 - Iraq Info

News and links for activist organizations and resources.
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Barcelona Against War

A collection of pictures documenting the Barcelonan opposition against war.
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Iraq Occupation and Resistance Report

Information on the US occupation of Iraq and the burgeoning resitance to that occupation.
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Another Poster for Peace

Group of designers who are committed to the peaceful and just resolution of the situation by offering their copyright-free art to the public. Includes ideas for using the art and a mailing list.
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Guardian: The Anti-War Movement

Ongoing coverage, commentary and links for related resources.

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