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Europe Websites

This category is for sites of advocacy organizations of human rights in Europe. Please do not submit topic oriented sites here.- Category ID : 440865
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Human Rights Server, Germany

Organization placing human rights within the context of the progress of the mass of humanity. Includes links to those who resist.
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European Court of Human Rights

Information on the composition of the court, grand chamber and section, historical background, procedure, case-law information notes and survey. Information for persons wishing to apply to the European Court of Human Rights in all European languages.
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Council of Europe - European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Summary of treaty signatures and ratifications. In English and French.
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An independent human rights organisation which works to defend and extend rights and freedoms in England and Wales.
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Fortress Europe? - Circular Letter

Organisation providing news, analyses and comments on European developments in the fields of liberties, human rights, public order, policing, justice, data protection, immigration and asylum.
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European Roma Rights Centre

An international public interest law organisation which monitors the situation of Roma in Europe and provides legal defence to victims of human rights violations.
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PanCyprian Association for the Protection of Human Rights

Organisation providing information on human rights issues, with particular interest in the situation of human rights in the Republic of Cyprus.
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Bibliography for Research on International Human Rights Law of Europe

Links to organisations related to human rights issues. From the University of Minnesota.
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Human Rights Institute of the Bar of Bordeaux

Promoting human rights and the training of lawyers in human rights and international criminal law, and reporting on the respect of defense rights.
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Hungarian Helsinki Committee

Hungarian human rights organisation monitoring respect for human rights in Hungary and providing legal counselling to victims of rights violations.
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Association for the Prevention of Torture

Founded in 1977, and based in Geneva, Switzerland, the APT is an independent non-governmental organisation working worldwide to prevent torture and ill-treatment.
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Centre Europe - Tiers Monde (CETIM)

Pursuing its research and publications devoted to North-South relations, focuses on human rights and participated in related United Nations work. Based in Switzerland.
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