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Economic Impact Websites

Sites about the economic impact of the tobacco industry, various tobacco policies, and the effects of using tobacco products.- Category ID : 440805
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Secondhand Smoke Price Tag: $10 Billion a Year

Second-hand tobacco smoke is costing the U.S. economy more than $10 billion a year, according to recent research.
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Smoking-Caused Fires Cost $27.2 Billion Annually

Analysis shows smoking is a leading cause of fires and death from fires globally, resulting in an estimated cost of nearly $7 billion in the United States and $27.2 billion worldwide in 1998.
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Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost, and Economic Costs

CDC report; every pack of cigarettes costs $3.45 for medical care attributable to smoking and $3.73 in productivity losses, for a total cost of $7.18 per pack.
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Motherless Or Fatherless Youth And Social Security Survivors Insurance Costs

Estimates cost of Social Security payments made for youths who became motherless or fatherless due to tobacco use.
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Cost of Tobacco-Related Disability Among U.S. Veterans

Economic report estimates the cost of tobacco-caused disease among currently living U.S. veterans.
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Health Care Costs of Smoking

Abstract of recent research estimates percentage of total health care costs attributable to smoking.
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The Health Care Costs of Smoking

Economic analysis concludes cigarettes and other tobacco products represent about 10% of all health care costs in America.
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Cigarettes Not Only Cause More Time Off Work, But Also Lower Productivity

Research summary. Estimates that tobacco products cost employers $47 billion dollars in 1990.
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Young Healthy Smokers Take Significantly More Days Off Work

Research that followed over 80,000 employees for over 2 years finds smoking has significant costs for employers, even among younger workers.
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Cigarette Smoking Adds Billions to Medicare Spending

Report on 1997 Medicare and overall healthcare costs in the U.S. due to cigarette smoking, based on estimates of 1993 spending.
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The Global Impact of Tobacco

A look at the global costs of growing and using the crop. Written by the San Francisco Tobacco Free Coalition and the San Francisco Tobacco Free Project.
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The Human and Financial Costs of Smoking

Research paper summarizes qualitative and quantitative human and financial tolls from smoking, ranging from cigarette burns, to cigarette ignited fire disasters, to caring for dying smokers and replacing their financial and social contributions to their spouses, children, grandchildren, and the tax base.
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Costs of Employee Smoking in the Workplace

Research measures costs to employers of smoking in the workplace in Scotland.
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Medical Costs of Smoking in the United States

Article examines the literature available, the estimates arrived at, their validity, and their implications.
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The Health Care Costs of Smoking

Conclusions: If people stopped smoking, there would be a savings in health care costs, but only in the short term. Eventually, smoking cessation would lead to increased health care costs. The New England Journal of Medicine, October 9, 1997.
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Costs of Health Damage and Productivity Losses Attributable to Smoking in Germany

The European Journal of Public Health: scientific article.
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