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Memory Controversies Websites

- Category ID : 440765
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Science Daily | "I Tawt I Taw" A Bunny Wabbit At Disneyland: New Evidence Shows False Memories Can Be Created

Article describing an experiment where about one-third of the people who were exposed to a fake print advertisement that described a visit to Disneyland and how they met and shook hands with Bugs Bunny later said they remembered or knew the event happened to them.
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Male Survivors of Childhood Sex Abuse

First-person account of recovered memories from Scott Barak Abraham.
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Memory and Reality

The official website of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Memory studies, retractor stories, legal information, newsletters, information on hypnosis, and a scientific focus are presented.
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Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse

Presents scientific research and scholarly resources addressing amnesia and delayed recall for memories of childhood sexual abuse.
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Treating Patients With Memories of Abuse : Legal Risk Management

Written by Samuel J. Knapp and Leon VandeCreek, this book covers the treatment of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse--particularly patients who recover memories while in treatment. Order page.
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Recovered Memory Therapy

Description of repressed memories and recovered memory therapy from the point of view that it represents a therapy hoax.
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Trauma & Cognitive Science Meeting

Tapes available of scientific meeting covering the way in which trauma interacts with information processing. A particular focus will be on how traumatic information is encoded, stored, and later retrieved from memory.
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Boards2Go: Recovered Memory Messageboards

An open discussion board predominantly anti-recovered memories therapy.
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Courage to Sue: A Parody of Psychotherapy

A sardonic statement applying the principles found in Courage To Heal to the therapist rather than the patient.
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Abelard - The Myth of Repressed Memory

An article which examines the proposal that humans are highly suggestible and memory is very unreliable. Site offers contact information and links to related topics.
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The Recovered Memory Project

An Internet-based research project which is gathering corroborated cases of recovered memories.
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Pseudoscience, Cross-examination, and Scientific Evidence in the Recovered Memory Controversy

A white paper from the American Psychological Association journal "Psychology, Public Policy, and Law", examining the concept of recovered memories from a research perspective.
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