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National Websites

- Category ID : 440644
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Second Amendment Foundation

Seeks to promote a better understanding of firearms rights through educational and legal action. Editorials, publications, and news.
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Keep and Bear Arms

News, articles, essays, links, and more, dedicated to the preservation of gun rights.
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Pink Pistols

FAQ, press releases, email list, starting a chapter, and advice on breaking-down barriers.
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Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership

Brief articles discussing the Holocaust, genocide, and their relationship to gun control. Books, pamphlets and T-shirts offered for sale.
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Citizens Committee Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Offers books, discusses legal issues, current and proposed legislation on the right to keep and bear arms.
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Gun Owners of America

A no-compromise national gun rights organization. Legislative updates, editorials and FAQs.
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Guns Save Life

Local, national, and international gun rights information. Includes Illinois, Indiana and beyond.
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Law Enforcement Alliance of America

A coalition of law enforcement professionals, crime victims, and concerned citizens supporting legislation at every level of government that reduces violent crime while preserving the rights of all citizens, including self-defense.
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Mothers Arms

Supports development of self-reliant women who consider self-defense a right and responsibility. Includes a few essays on guns and self-defense.
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American Firearms Institute

Firearms information, statistics, law, and opinion.
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National Association for Gun Rights

News and federal legislation.
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State specific information on aspects related to the legality of the open carry of firearms. Maps, news and forums by state.
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Assault Weapon Watch

The Coalition to Prevent Assault Weapon violence relies on volunteers to watch assault weapons to document any violence committed by them.
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Firearms Policy Coalition

Tracks proposed gun bills and legal action.
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