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Standardized Testing Websites

- Category ID : 440231
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Peter Sacks

Site maintained by Peter Sacks, author of books and articles about standardized testing, intelligence testing and achievement testing in education and the workplace.
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Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation

This on-line journal provides education professionals access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice.
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National Assessment Governing Board

Made up of elected and appointed officials; oversees the content and operation of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
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ACT, Inc.

The organization responsible for the American College Test, required for admission to the public colleges in the majority of states; manages other tests and programs, too.
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The College Board

Organization representing hundreds of colleges responsible for the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), the Advanced Placement (AP) program, and various equity efforts.
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National Center for Fair and Open Testing

A nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to preventing the misuse of standardized tests.
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Organization devoted to improving the rigor and clarity of the process of standard-setting and testing. Provides standard-setting and benchmarking services to states and districts.
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National Council on Measurement in Education

The primary U.S. organization of measurement researchers and practitioners involved in educational testing.
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The Education Trust

EdTrust works for the high academic achievement of all students at all levels, kindergarten through college.
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The Evils of Mandatory Testing

As home schooling grows as a movement, there is increasing political pressure to legislate and control home schoolers.
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When a Test Fails the Schools, Careers and Reputations Suffer

Article accusing a testing company of making scoring mistakes and then covering them up. New York Times. Requires registration.
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Frontline: Secrets of the SAT

Television documentary focusing on the college-entrance Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT).
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Richard Phelps

Personal site of Richard Phelps which reviews over the books he has written and several other resources.
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An On-line, Interactive, Computer Adaptive Testing Tutorial

Lawrence Rudner has set up a mock CAT to illustrate how they work, with many citations at the end for further reading.
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GI Forum, et al. v. Texas: Psychometric Evidence

Description of a legal case testing whether testing unfairly discriminates against minorities.
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TIMSS and PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College

Home of the TIMSS: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study and PIRLS: Progress in International Reading Literacy Study.
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Right Answer, Wrong Score: Test Flaws Take Toll

Article accusing test development companies of inadequate staffing, quality control, and poor execution. Requires registration.
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Buros Institute

The Buros Institute, publishers of The Mental Measurements Yearbook and Tests in Print, provides critical analyses of tests and testing instruments.
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National Association of Test Directors

An association of professionals with responsibilities for administering assessment programs in K-12 public educational settings. A selection of their research papers and newsletters are available on the site.
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ETS: Policy and Research Reports

Several dozen research reports from the maker of the SAT, GRE and other well-known tests. Reports are authored both by ETS researchers and invited critics.
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