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Wars and Conflicts Websites

- Category ID : 439397
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Military Quotes

A collection of almost one thousand quotes related to war and military matters. Also includes jokes and a discussion forum.
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Æ Aeragon

Aeragon traces some of the history of military technology transfer to civilian applications. Aeragon is dedicated to analyzing the influence that developments in military technology have had upon modern material existence.
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Society for Military History

Devoted to stimulating and advancing the study of military history in the United States. Site describes publications, membership information, conferences, leadership, and SMH-sponsored awards and prizes.
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The War Times Journal

An on-line magazine of military history which features original articles and archives covering wars and campaigns of all periods.
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Military history site that includes a database of world conflicts and other military events 1800-1999.
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Battlefield Anomalies

Collection of battle and campaign accounts, mainly dealing with 19th century subjects.
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Web Page of Durfee

Gateway to information on the American Revolution and on medieval Europe.
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War Between Democracies

Article discussing the claim that "democracies do not make war on one another"; discussing a list of wars that may or may have not been fought between democracies.
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The Patriot Files

A collection of articles are dedicated to the men and women of the armed forces and the many people who support them.
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War Letters

Archive of letters written by soldiers during the Napoleonic wars, American Civil War, World War One and World War Two.
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Maps of War

Flash animated time lines of war and its history.
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Clash of Steel

Searchable database of military engagements throughout history. Also picture gallery and discussion forum.

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