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Assyrian Websites

This Category is for English sites about Assyrian culture, language, and history.- Category ID : 435519
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Assyrians of Chicago

Contains such items as a historical background, demographic data, information on language, religion and traditions, political and civic participation, and references.
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Nineveh On Line

Nineveh and Assyria. Articles by renowned personalities on the Assyrian beliefs and life. Services, clubs, chats, history, and reference materials. Also covering Chaldean and Oriental Christian culture.
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Assyrian Information Medium Exchange

Information on Assyrian culture; includes music, arts, history, religion and biographies.
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Assyria Online

A portal offering coverage of Assyrian history and language and a directory of related site.
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Assyrian Voice Network

Assyrian Voice is an Assyrian Portal online offering chat, music, news, interviews, and photo albums.
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Wikipedia: Assyrian People

A look at who the Assyrian people are and at the Neo-Assyrian revival.
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Who Are the Assyrians?

An often quoted essay by Nicholas Aljeloo of The Assyrian Australian Academic Society in Sydney, Australia. This copy includes his footnotes.
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Assyrian Aid Society of America

A group that collects funds for projects to help Assyrians in the ancestral homeland of Bet Nahrain in Northern Iraq.
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Beth Suryoyo Assyrian

Contains articles written in English and Arabic. It also contains sections related to Assyrian music, news, history, current affairs, a forum, photos, and a section for kids.
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The Syriac Maronites

Dedicated to the teaching of the Syriac Aramaic language, and Maronite traditions. Includes images of manuscript illuminations.
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Dashqotan Village

Pictures and history of this ancient Assyrian village in Bet Nahrain, Northern Iraq.
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Assyrian Information Management

AIM is an internet-based organization and repository with information on Assyrian history, language, and culture.

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