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Furniture Websites

Sites which mainly sell 1/12 scale or smaller dollhouse furniture.- Category ID : 433428
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Masters Miniatures

Scale period furniture for dolls houses, handcrafted in mahogany and tulip wood.
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ELF Miniatures

Offering modern, European style kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms.
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Colin Bird

Specializes in handmade Victorian and Edwardian furniture. Includes chairs, tables, dressers, stools, and pedestal desk.
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Renwal Toys

Sells vintage collectible dollhouse furniture.
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Tarbena Miniatures

Offering British-made traditional and antique styled furniture in 1/12 scale.
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Michael Walton

Maker of Georgian furniture in 1/12th scale.
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ACD Miniatures

Hand painted furniture in nautical, Halloween, and Christmas themes.
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Shaker Works West

Shaker and country style furniture and show schedule information of Ken Byers.
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The Petticoat Porch

Handcrafted wicker furniture in 1:12 scale. Some pieces are reproductions of life-sized antiques on display at Pilgrim Hall Museum, in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
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Keenderson Miniatures

Glen Anderson handcrafts one-of-a-kind furniture and room boxes, specializing in Federal and Modern styles.
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Halls Miniature Clocks

1/12 and 1/24 scale working clocks with engraved and silvered dials copied from full size clocks, made in the UK.
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John J. Hodgson

Offers miniature furniture including replica and gilt styles, portraits, and silhouettes by a craftsman in the United Kingdom.
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Summerville Miniature Workshop

Offering 1/12 and 1/24 scale furniture kits in Modern, French and Victorian styles. Also some finished pieces are for sale, and show and class schedule.
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Pear Tree Miniatures

Medieval, Tudor and Welsh miniature furniture in 1" and 1/2" scale. 1/144 scale houses.
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S & S Furniture Company

Specialize in tropical and retro rattan, Art Deco, contemporary furniture and rug kits. Importer of E-Z Tiles, they also carry Bunka.
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