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Accessories Websites

Guitar accessories include but are not limited to; strings, cases, straps, picks, slides and capos.- Category ID : 432370
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Markets an acoustic resonance and vibration dedamping appliance for guitar, with/without electronic pickups. Product details and online shopping. [German and English]
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UK based supplier of parts and accessories.
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Quick Draw Capo

A capo for guitar and other fretted instruments. Includes product features, list of retailers stocking product, online purchasing information, instructions for use, and information about the inventor.
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Guitar bridges and tailpieces. Based in Oakdale, California.
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E.B.E. Universal, Inc.

Offers guitar accessories, apparel, and novelty items, including their signature alien face guitar pick. Includes company information, product list and prices, and ordering information.
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Manufacturer of folding roadcase guitar stands which hold 4, 6 or 8 guitars.
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Strings, picks, guitar cables, capos, and accessories. Includes product list, information about the company, testimonials and tips.
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Guitar strings and accessories. Includes company information, FAQs about choosing strings, message board, and catalog.
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Guitar and bass fretboard lighting systems.
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Galaxy Guitar Products

Multi guitar/bass rack stands, flight transport systems and guitar tech work stations.
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Microfiber cleaning cloths for all musical instruments.
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THG Knobs

Offer hand crafted wooden guitar knobs, pickup rings and toggle caps.
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Penn Instrument Company

Manufacturers of amplifiers, with the ability to custom-build to customer specifications. Product, ordering and contact details, and a user forum.
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Kyser Musical Products

Manufactures and sells capos; also offer online sales of strings, care products and finger picks.
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Manufacture and sales of a wide range of full and partial capos for guitar, dobro and banjo; also steels and slides, stands, and other accessories. Product details, FAQ, ordering instructions, and company history.
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Manufactures braided cables for instrument and audio equipment; includes product specifications and sales. Also online sales of gigbags and apparel.
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The Guthrie Thomas Company

Online sales of strings, picks, cleaning products, and a variety of other merchandise.
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Bob Burt Custom Cabinets

Offers hand-built guitar speaker cabinets to stock and custom designs. Includes description, pricing and ordering information.
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The Prochboard Bass

A passive low-end rhythm instrument that allows self accompaniment with the simple tap of a foot. Sales and contact details.
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Fake 58

Reproduction and after market spare parts for vintage and reissue guitars. Online inventory and ordering instructions.
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Custom made guitar electronic, based on the Gibson Varitone switch. Includes specifications, installation guide, and ordering instructions.
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Wizard Worldwide Ltd

Presents the Guitar Wizard, a device that allows the player to play chords without using standard fingering; useful for beginners and disabled. Online sales and background information.
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Manufacture and sales of drop-in replacements for the standard guitar tone control; includes specifications, sound samples, installation guide and ordering instructions.
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Specialty Guitars

Online retail source for electronics, hardware, and accessories for customizing and repairing electric guitars.
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Highly Strung

Mail-order service for guitar strings, guitar accessories, guitar books and videos.

Subcategories under Accessories 6

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